alright sorry. i vote yes, because in my own opinion the goverment makes it sound like heroine. but really its just a jacked up ciggarette. ive had both, but i think they make it sound way too bad. also its not that addictive compared to cigarettes. "really all its used for is to make people feel good and have a good time sometimes." -from the well spoken words of my pot smoking father. that is my reasoning on why i think its good and i vote yes.
I'm breaking down this post. Really? What reason is that? Thanks for being specific. Refer below. Yeah totally. Theres a limit to Alcohol. It's called alcohol poisoning. In comparison to Marijuana, you pass out. You wake up, and you're a bit dazed, but at least you wake up. I.E. a case with Del Gracio. You're seriously ****ing broken.
Exactly. Many people foolishly assume that if it's illegal, then that automatically means it's bad. Every single person who is against Marijuana- every single person- I guarantee you, has never tried it before.
Just to clarify. Everyone who has smoked PURE marijuana is not against it. Because of course laced Marijuana is just, not a good thing.
Way to state the obvious, there is not a actual good reason to try marijauna in the first place, just like there is no bad reason.
Like i said, so does beer. "They keep it illegal to keep the black man down!" said one of my friends which i kinda agree with him. And i haven't hurt anybody yet because of it. So idk what you're getting at.
No both should be legal if the other is. If anytihng cigarettes should be outlawed. But if it comes to that then yes.
I'm just going to ask mods nicely to start taking away the PRIVILEGE to post in the debate forum. Have you ever smoked Marijuana? -----CIGARETTES----- -----ALCOHOL----- -----LINEBREAK----- Marijuana, at least has some good use to it. It's been known to be a good pain killer incomparison to alcohol, and cigarettes. In Conclusion: You're a ****ing idiot.
Never smoked a cigarette, but I know it's bad, my uncle died from it and my friend's dad has a hole in his throat. It's good to see the people who are against legalizing weed are expressing the opinion and lack of reliable sources.
Can you make that a little clearer? I swear I read that three times and you switched sides like 3 times.
No. The article was written in 2002, now, that is not that far away, but it was also discluding a bit of information *cough*yellowjournalism*cough.* Here is what they said proves it is worse for you: Lower in the article: Ironically: Hmm... Funny, if you keep reading, they have some more interesting facts: Feed me your rebuttal please.
Why drink beer if it can cause you to become drunk. Drunk driving causes 1000's of deaths per year. Why smoke cigarettes if they can cause cancer. Second hand smoking also has a large death toll. Why smoke weed if you know its illegal. You can ruin your life getting caught one time. Drink water and chew gum (lol). You get cleaner teeth and a healthier body with no damage to the brain or gums. Isn't that the smarter choice?
This isn't a debate on what is good for you. This is a debate on the legalization of marijuana, which if you remove the illegalization of it, then you get rid of the "ruin your life getting caught one time" factor. What negative effects does marijuana have then?
Well, I didn't care either way about marijuana legalization, but then I read tex's post (and several others) in the thread and it seems like it doesn't really have any bad side effects, so, why not? It would reduce some drug violence and lighten the load on police forces.
I don't know how anyone can debate this, because any time an anti-marijuana article is presented, Tex calls it "yellow journalism" and disregards it with some facts. I don't think it's all yellow journalism, because there are people that experiment for the truth, and not just to get you on the government's side. Now, there are some sources that are paid for by the companies that create these products and that is why I don't get my facts from the internet. The only way to prove the true effect or answer is to conduct your own experiments, which honestly, I don't want to do. So until we all have a basis to go off of, I'm sticking with my original argument that cigarettes<marijuana.
There are a few negative effects but the illegalization and possible ruining of ones life outweighs them. Here is a link to the site for more information Though, with those in mind, being one who has used before, you know that the fact of addiction is only there if you allow it. It takes a weak mind to slide into it without realization, and a strong one to break out of it. Aside from addiction, the medical research behind marijuana has been varied, because there are so many types of marijuana. The researchers in this last one probably used a plant that was high in THC, whereas the one in the last source I provided probably used one low in THC.
Oh c'mon Grif... I'm going to quote myself from my original post I first made in this thread. It explains why it is illegal and more: Please, take the time to read all that, then reply.