Redefine I chose this name because hopefully this map will redefine the way we look at MLG maps. Now I know what you're thinking: oh great another unoriginal MLG map that looks exactly like all the other ones. But this one has touched aesthetically where no other MLG map has touched before. Weapons: BRx6 Carbinex2 ARx4 Maulerx1 Stickiesx6 Fragsx2 BubSheildx1 PowerDrainx1 Pictures: Red Spawn Blue Spawn Corner Pic from blue spawn Corner Pic from red spawn View from blue spawn View from red spawn Download!!one!1 Plz comment Supports CTF and TS
I think your center structure looks cool, but I would definitely not say that it redefines MLG maps. many MLG maps are very pretty looking, not just this one. I can tell that you put a lot of thought into the center structure, but not as much into the bases. 4/5. Nice try, but it could use some improvements.
I was goin to do sort of an arch thing over bothe the bases to make i look nice but I'm leaving for my cabin in 20 minutes so I did'nt exactly have a lot of time to put more effort into the bases
hm i like ur center peice very good interlocked mabey a bit more effort with the basses buy preatty cool 4/5 i agree with masterjelly.
Nice map. Aesthetically it is different but the layout is the same as all the other MLG maps. MLG maps should try to get away from looking like "The Pit" and start trying to look more like Construct, Narrows, or even better be completely unique . Edit: Get rid of the equipement and the AR's.. they aren't allowed by MLG
Ummm... OK. Good idea for redefining MLG maps but you didn't really do that. It looks really good though. I will probably download it. 4/5 the gameplay seems smooth.
I do like the center piece. But like someone said above me, most MLG maps look amazing. Also, the assault rifle is not used in MLG. People have been discussing weather they should put one or two on a map but as of now there are none so technically, this is not an MLG map. Also, there are no bubble shields and power drains in MLG. But anyways it looks like a nice layout.
i agree, beef up the bases a little and maybe add some more cover. as small as the map is, it looks really open. even for an MLG map. but the layout is cool and it appears to be some pretty clean forging. good job.
That comment right there is why it shouldn't be considered and MLG map. The best MLG map, hell all good maps have tons of hours put into them as far as structure and gameplay. From your own comment I can surmise you didn't put a lot of time into it My suggestion to you would be for future maps, shoot for quality rather than rush to get it out before you have to leave for somewhere.
I think its a cool map, it has an interesting structure in the middle but it looks a little plain at the basses. 4/5
i agree with the jelly man nice middle but the bases are kinda lacking and to the green text in your description bom chicka wah wah mix of dirty talk and star trek tng intro speech LAWLz0rs
The centerpiece was cool. But useless. Barriers are not MLG standard, and also, the bases look too plain and flat. 3/5.
You are right, the bases look plain. And what do you mean barriers aren't MLG standard. There are a few on onslaught and two on the pit near the lift up to the sniper tower.
i like the map but it looks like you could clean up with the bridges and more interlocking on the base. other than that thats a great map! keep it up
I'm not going to download this map but good job laying out cover and everything. The thing is, the best MLG players "set up" on the map to win. This map would be pretty hard to set up on considering there aren't that many bases that provide cover and an advantage point on the opposing players. I suggest you add bases on the sides to right and left of your main bases and more serious MLG or GameBattles people will download. 3/5.
Aesthetics You should care less about the aesthetics and more about the game-play this one is way to open in some areas. I could see that you were trying to break away from the usual MLG format but i think it is ok to keep the format as long as you make the bases totally different than amplified and onslaught because i've been seeing lots of onslaught clones lately. and if you have a map that looks a lot like another map but it is good keep making new versions until it is different because amplified looked a lot like onslaught when it was still safeguard
AR and the equipment aren't allowed in MLG. The map looks different, but i would rather choose onslaught over this. The center structure is pretty big and kills a lot of the open space thats in MLG. (Like the fast action) It seems like it would slow gameplay down a lot. Not a fan sorry