Here is the link for the map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Here is a link for the gametype : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Here is a minigame where you challenge your friends to see who can live the longest. Test your sniping abilities with this game. You have to shoot the fusion coils in the air before they land and kill you. You have ten lives and you can form two teams. First team to run out of lives loses. There is an Honor rule, do not try it jump out of the spawn area. The walls are not jumpable, just the gravlift area. It's just pretty hard. The grav lifts will not dissapear. As soon as they explode, another spawns. And It is very hard to kill the other team without going out of the spawn area.. It is like this because I don't want block your view of the fusion coils. Besides, Like I said, getting out is not easy. You will probably die wasting your time trying. Here are the Fusion coils flying your way Shoot them Before they blow up and kill you This is what happens if you miss
Looks very simple. Maybe widen each team's lanes a bit to allow a bit more freedom? Also, people don't like honor rules that much (unless they are the type of people who do everything they are told.) If you don't want people jumping over, the walls should be higher. 3/5. Not much of a map, and you could have put in more effort. Good luck with your maps.
you might want to add a roof if possible or some walls on the walls. also they can jump over the grav lifts. i guess this is a nice idea, but people have already made stuff like this. 3/5
The map does seem simple from the pictures, although i'm sure it would be ok to play. Like Irc Wind Dragon said "nobody likes honor rules". Make the walls taller so that people can't get out
One of the walls are crooked, you only put four of them down. So at least make them straight. As what people have said, make the walls at least two levels high. Maybe you could geo-merge some walls on the other side of the grav lifts, so its harder to get out. The game play seems fun and I will download and report back once I have played it.
Agreed the teams don't have that much space to maybe dodge some of the fusion coils, so make the walls a bit farther apart. The map needs a way not to depend on the honor system because it gets really annoying when someone ruins the game for everyone. Make the walls much higher so they can't jump out of the space that is provided in the game. Although it looks like the map is fun from the pictures. You could add a little more on to the map itself. Pretty good map. 3/5.
The idea of the map and the way you play seems fun but it is not much of a map. Maybe you could add more things like walls and make it more of a aesthetic map incorporated with the minigame, it would be worth playing. 3/5
Yeah...I think the gameplay would definately get screwed up for me and my friends. Mainly because of the Honour rule. Other than that, it does look like it'd be fun. I'll download because it'd help your sniping skill. 2.5/5 Also, to fix the problem of jumping out, keep putting more and more obstacles in front of the grav-lifts like barriers, mancannons and things like that.
it is a very good idea but i would make a V2 and it is if you survive new bits come on the map so then like after 30 seconds of that stairs come to go to another bit on the map
mmm it has a few things bad and a few things a bit too basic. But people have already said them so i wont repeat. An ok beginner map but also a bit unoriginal as well as in the name, but that doesn't matter
I agree and those walls look very jumpable... not to be rude but I give it 2/5. Make a v2 but put high walls and 2 lanes that are wider then use mancannons instead of gravlifts cause gravlifts are very easy to jump over.
To prevent jumping over the grav lifts just make the weapon holders that hold them a little higher. To do this you could either use the Save and Quit Method or you could move the weapon holders out of the way for a second and then but 1 or 2 walls down where they were and then put the weapon holders back on top of the walls. Then just delete the walls holding them up and put the gravlift back in the weapon holder.
i wouldnt actually call it fusion frenzy cuz that has many mini-games urs only has 1 make walls higher add more types of mini games, so like when you die, you move to another 3/5 too simple to get a great rating
its a cool map and i think ill dl it ...maybe itll improve my sniping ... but its pretty easy to get over the wal... just crouch jump on the back wall that isnt an object over