THE MLG PROTOTYPE LINk-- prototype was specially designed for ctf and slayer the mancannon system works 95% of time from the experience of playin this level it is very fun it makes u think about different ways to forge instead of the usual buliding that have been constucted onto foundry i have a great time playin this and i hope you do too. im not ganna show u the man cannon because i want u guys to see that for your self RECOMENDED GAMETYPES--MLG CTF v5 MLG TS v5 WEAPONS 2x sniper 2x mauler 1x rocket luancher 4x battle rifles 6x carbines 6x plasma grenades 4x frag greneades ---both bases are simmetrical --mini crater have to thank prepare4legend for that idea ---third floor also custom powerup THE MLG BLITZ v2 LINK-- this map easy jumps make it easier to focus on combat rather than acrobatics which make the game a whole lot fun note it is different than the 1ST one try it i have lots of fun playin this in oddball i love taking the ball to my lil perch when u play you will see what i mean:] you will also see a big change in the rduced number of weapons. enjoy. umm the bases changed dl and you will see the cover lyk u all wanted. RECOMEMDED GAMETYPES--MLG KING v5 MLG CTF v5--MLG TS v5--MLG ODDBALL v5 WEAPONS 4xbattle rifle 2xsniper rifle 1xrocket launcher 6x carbines 8xplasma grenades 4x frag grenades - as you see the middle has been rasied 3 levels high b tower a tower ii am terribly sry mighty midgit for this whole misunderstanding but i am sry to the whole community too my friend screw me over so i hope all of yous will be able to forgive me i didnt know and im sry.... MLG BACKROUND LINK-- this map s significtly different the back part of foundy is used in this map instead of the open wasteland the long tunnel in the back makes it very hard to sneak in for the flag. the platform is what make the game run smotthly w.o complaints hope ya enjoy. inote yet again it is the blocked part of foundry witch is being used.. note again no grenades have been placed on this map due to the fact you have to rly more on your shooting than your throwing..:] WEAPONS 6xbattle rifle 2x sniper rifle 4x carbines 1x mauler --middle there are 3 floors --platform nuber 2 --platform nuber 1 I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY LIKE ME AND MY FRIENDS ARE:]:]:]
Nice Job!!! I will download. 5/5 Great maps... I love all of them. I love the ideas and the gameplay looks really smooth in all the maps. Prototype is the best besides fracture.
duuuuuddeee the fractue map is so sick its like in the air super high, and i love the heck out of the amazing layout....good job!
all the maps are very well done though i remember seeing a map called cavern and it was exactly like mlg fractured but without the filter and different weapons did you steal it or use as a base foundation for it other than that great job4/5
Well, they look OK, but I do not think the first two are done, and the avalanche one maybe shouldn't be considered MLG, as you can die if you can fall off the edge :O
Ya really nice job with these maps, they look awesome from the pictures. I like pretty much all of them but my favorite is probably fracture. 5/5. Keep up the great maps!
When I first saw MLG Fracture it was an uncanny experience since I felt like I've already played this map and guess what? I have its an almost exact duplicate of Mighty Midgi7's Cavern but just with very few changes such as deleting one thing and blocking another and changing weapons for MLG and adding FX if you dont believe me look here and yes Cavern was made first.
Cavern v1 Cavern v2 Adding a filter and minor changes to weapons and spawns doesn't make a map yours. Heck, I even helped with some bad spawns on V2 so I'm offended that you'd steal it... <_<
Oh, and the whole "He wanted me to post it on FH for him" is false too considering... IT ALREADY IS?!
There all great but the last one seems really bad for ggameplay because it's just a wall for a hieghted floor and barriars, not trying to sound like a jerk that's just my thought.
Lolz, not another one! Hahaha Evil ninja said what needed to be said so I don't have to. The map stolen. It's mine, sorry. No credit to you! (can't people make their own maps for once?)
Ok everyone, the "fracture" map stealing incident has been taken care of and he has agreed to remove the modified version from the map pack.
its ok, you could hav a better clean forgeing because in pic number 2 you need to fix the interlock you did
All of these maps looks pretty cool. Perfect for MLG variants. I would gladly help you with future maps.