I did actually take a few of Isolation. I just didn't think they turned out as good as the other ones. I'll put one of em up though Pretty long. In the beta there was no death barrier and you could fly up into space in a banshee... going all the way up with your thrusters on would take about 2 or 3 minutes. So in the theater I'd estimate roughly 5 or 6 minutes to get up there.
i need help. i'm trying the first method on last resort. i cant even get the teleporter outside of the first wall. but i did find some spots that you can get on a turret and look up and become a moniter to get out and fly around a bit untill you die. so i did that and waited till i spawned and ended the game. then went to the theater and when my character was outside the first wall i paused it and tried to go to the free veiw (pressing y) and it wouldn't let me. any help with either the teleporter or free veiw problems would be appriciated. thanks.
I figured trying to explain this verbally just wouldn't cut it, so I recorded a clip of myself doing it as well. Unfortunately I don't know how to post videos yet, but I did put it on my file share on Bungie.net under the name "LR Training Vid". Don't worry Last Resort isn't an easy map to get out of, mainly because in most areas there is a very small space between the invisible wall and the death barrier. However you can still get out of it using the first method. This is actually a very common issue and believe me, I know it can make finding a way out very frustrating. There are many areas outside of maps where it won't allow you to change into free view. The best way to get past this is by testing out different areas and retrying from different camera angles.
thanks rj. haha i have one more problem though. using the second method, i can't get the camera to free veiw when looking from outside the barrier at my character.
Same as before... There are many areas outside of maps where it won't allow you to change into free view. The best way to get past this is by testing out different areas and trying to do it from different camera angles. Which map is it on?
i tried on sandtrap and epitaph. i flew around the outside of the map and then killed myself and ended it after i spawned. then went in the theater and paused it while my character was flying around the outside and the only way i could get to free veiw was if it was on the inside of the map, i couldn't get it to go through the first barrier.
It's freaky how much your picture of the pit above the hangers looks like one I took. It is also very very strange your pic of Last Resort looks almost exactly like one I took...
Fakie, for sandtrap just use the first method and it shouldn't be that hard. As far epitaph goes, it just takes a lot of attempts using the second method.
For that hangar pic, I had to back all the way up to the corner to get a good shot. I'm guessing that's why they look similar. I took all of the pictures that I posted on this thread though.
This is pretty cool pics, but I've known this for a long time. Goood explanation though, never knew about the second method. Do you mind if I use some of the pics?