New halo 3 slayer map External high top places(sorry no pics yet) WEAPONS 10x BR 10xAR 1xSniper 1xSword 1xMoualer 2xplasmarifle 1xrocket and not too many grenades high places not able to get out took about 3 hours too make and all haters sayed i didnt make it but i did so i dont have any pics but mabye tomorrow basic lay out is easy one big room with a hall way and little open room u can use to snipe from. spawn points are a little screwed up but they can be used for your advantge i will work on them later thanks and please download to rate : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
this does not meet the standards, you need a description (at least a paragraph) and at the minimum 1 pic. Please make changes or this thread will be locked by a moderator in 24 hours.
Hello, and welcome to forghub, as you see from the posts above your post is not up to forgehub standards. For a tuturial on how to embed screenshots on to your thread visit here. ( click link ) For a helpful map posting template to make your maps the easiest they can be to post visit here. ( click link ) Hope this was helpful.
Aside from what has already been said you should use a little better grammer and spelling so people can understand exactly what your trying to say.
just by his description the map sounds awful but i guess without pics i wont know o and i just saw this but please dont rate your own map no matter how good you think it is its a poll for OTHER people to rate your map not you