Is there a published list of words or phares that are not acceptable by Bungie for use in map descriptions. It seems like no matter what I enter it is rejected. I'm definitely not using anything that could be construed as vulgar. Help?
There is no list. It would be a bad idea for them to publish one because we could then figure out how to avoid their filters easier. Some of the words blocked are pretty dumb though. You can't use FFA because FA = football association and they dont want to break copyrights and crap.
A lot of the time I've found, a Blam! name only happens when some kind of network timeout happens between the XBox and Bungie's servers. Usually, if I save, quit, open it up, and rename it to what I want, it'll work just fine. Of course there are obvious exceptions, but for names that clearly aren't bad, I've found a second or third attempt at renaming usually fixes it.
its not jus maps, i tried saving a film clip as 2 4 1, but, BLAM! sumtimes bungie can b a bit of a ****
i have had this a couple of times once on a video called let the bodies hit the floor and a screen shot called hmmm pistolwhip it wouldn't let me have either they were good too
It is annoying as hell, but I found it funny when they blammed Assault because of ass. It's a default fricken gametype too. =/
I do think it is sort of retarded. They block some words, and if they are inside of another word it is considered a blam. It does get quite annoying, I fell your pain.
Hmmmm, maybe that is why in my description of one of my maps when I said it was compatable with assault it called it blam, haha thanks!