Red vs. Blue Prison

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by KilerG, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    The diary of Griff: (Thanks for the idea chrstphrbrnnn)
    Not as good as his, but still very cool...

    If that wasn't a good description, then the original description is below:
    Cops and Robbers Red vs. Blue style. The story is that Griff is being held in prison by Sarge. The hallway in front of his cell is rigged with the Griff Cannon from the episode D.I.Y. It launches 3 different objects (the ones seen in the episode itself...i.e. soccer ball, wire spool, dumpster.) in 10 second intervals, and any pirsoners in the hallway will die if they are near it.
    (except the soccer ball doesn't necessarily kill you). The cop is still invinsible from any attacks except assasination. Next to that cells, there are showers. From there, you can go upstairs to the Bathroom Door, where you can "open" it and go into the Bathroom. Downstairs past the Bathroom Door, there is a Basketball Court, including a Red side and a Blue side. The Prison also includes a great cafeteria serving many types of "Lunchables" that look like weapons. There is a long table, and 2 short tables which behind them have the Visiting Center, where anyone outside the map can visit the people inside, and be shot the cop because he must be an idiot. The visiting center is still fully funcional though.

    My Gametype:
    The "Griffs" have normal shields and normal damage. Griffs do not have a motion tracker. They spawn with Plasma Pistols and Magnums. The "Sarges" or the Cops have 2000% damage resistance and deal normal damage. Sarges have a 10m motion tracker. They spawn with Shotguns and Magnums. The last man standing activates Active Camoflauge, can run 110%, and can only be seen when Sarges are within 10m, or with really sharp eyes. The Custom Power-up gives any player 2000% damage resistance, 150% speed, 75% gravity, 25m Motion Tracker, and Instant Kill. The custom power up doesn't exist on the map anymore

    Lancer386's Gametype
    The "Griffs" have normal shields and normal damage. Griffs do not have a motion tracker. They spawn with Plasma Pistols and Magnums. The "Cabooses"(Sarge was a recent change on my gametype) or the Cops are Invincible, and deal normal damage. Cabooses have a 75m motion tracker. They spawn with Shotguns and Magnums. The last man standing activates Active Camoflauge and run 110%. The Custom Power-up gives any player 125% speed, 75% gravity, poor camoflauge, and Enhanced mode 75m Motion Tracker.

    Please Comment and Rate.

    Please use either my Gametype, or my co-Forger, Lancer386's.

    Download R vs. B Prison -KilerG and Lancer386's Map
    Download Red vs. Blue CNR -KilerG's gametype

    Screenshots are now located in the Griff Diary above.
    #1 KilerG, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009
  2. SitarHero980

    SitarHero980 Ancient
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    nice map, like the RvB theme in it too. I think you went a little overboard with the damage resistance in the gametypes though. Ill still give it a 4/5 though.
  3. XxWolfy663xX

    XxWolfy663xX Ancient
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    prtty cool map u made
    very unique, the b-ball court looks sweet too
  4. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    looks cool, nice interlocking and geomerging, but CoR isnt my favorite gametype... but the map is nice. basketball court=cool. i personally like playing basketball on blackout with the hoop... 4/5
  5. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Hate to say it but the only orginal part about this is the basketball court, but it looks like fun and i can tell you put some effort into it.
  6. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    Me2, and yes the ressistance needs to be lower so you can kill just a little easier. But I will rate5, Great job on the map!
  7. criggs3c

    criggs3c Ancient
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    red v blue, lol. looks like a good map and the gametype sounds fun, it all looks neatly done aswell, 1 thing tho, the cafeteria seems mysteriously like a armory =( but overall looks like a gd map, 3/5
  8. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
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    Really nice map! Good use of interlocking. I have a great idea for the Griff cannon, you could make it somewhere else on the map and use it like an electrical chair and if a prisoner is acting bad he can go at the end and the cop uses it to have an instant death on the prisoner. Good Job! 5/5!
  9. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Thanks for the replies! I will work on the gametype, as Lancer told me that I messed up on what his gametype does.
  10. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    doesnt look like a great cops n robbers map but mabey it will be great for team slayer
  11. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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  12. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    What kind of Cops and Robbers are you playing? No, Team Slayer would not work, it wouldn't be fun, everyone spawns near eachother!
  13. zoner117

    zoner117 Ancient
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    I love machinima RvB so this map makes me happy. I love how you gave Cops And Robbers a whole new wasy to play. The map looks very well built and I love the neatness and interlocking so I will probably download this and introduce it to my friends. 5/5 Great job altogether make more maps as original as this please.
  14. colbster94

    colbster94 Ancient
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    why do you all give 5 out of 5 when you havent played it? srsly thaz ghey.
  15. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    That's not the griff-cannon. The grif cannon was in a halo 2 episode where they needed to breach the lopez army's wall. "By utilizing the powe of the Grif Cannon we can create a Grif sized hole in the wall. Or paint it orange," said by Sarge. Looks funny though.
  16. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Ummm did you ever see the episode D.I.Y.? I don't know what it's actually called but Sarge said "You invented something that fires things at Griff's face? This could quite possibly be the best invention in the history of the world!" In the end he pushes a dumpster into it and it smacks Griff in the face....hilarious
    EDIT: Now I remember that episode. That episode was about launching Griff himself, and this was from D.I.Y., which was made to shoot stuff at Griff.

    Thanks for the ratings, and be sure to check out the map as well. I want to see some comments on problems and stuff you really liked.
    #16 KilerG, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009
  17. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    dude i loled on the description. haha great job and idea. 5/5
  18. Sn1pInGmOfO

    Sn1pInGmOfO Ancient
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    um.... this is cool but um, links?
  19. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    There are links dude, it's just not blue and underlined.
    EDIT: Fixed
    #19 KilerG, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
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