Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing My Tree house is a very neat map and is very orginized in INTERLOCKING.As you enter the tree house you will notice that there is a elavater and a underground thing.As you aproche the elavater you will pick up a gravity lift and then you crouch ontop of the box.This is were you learn to use the elavater,you through down the gravity lift and then you and the box fly to the second floor.And when your wondering how the box comes down you will see a gravity lift on a telaporter near the ceiling you shoot the gravity lift and then shoot the one that you put out then it should come down.Made by murderking329 and gr33n boog3rz.and is good for the following gametypes team slayer,king of the hill,and infection.
dude you cant do that, talk to an admin, this is a double post its going to get locked. you wont get an infraction because your new(i hope) but this is against the rules for future reference.
This is a double post. Please only click the edit button at the bottom of your previous thread. Otherwise it bumps people off the newest maps section. Which is unfair. I have contacted a moderator and told him to delete one the threads. Any other posts regarding the issue will be marked as spam as of this point. Do not feed the trolls. Oh ho ho. Ur so funny for neg repping me "forgehub sucks balls" and I'm pretty sure I'm going to report you now.
not trying to be bothersome but could you make the pics a little bigger? Try photobucket. Free photo site and easy to use. It gives you options to make ur picture bigger too soo please go there, thanks. www.photobucket.com but from what I see it looks pretty detailed. I'll do a forge through. reason I saw make em bigger is because others may not want to do a forge through plus you might be in my upcoming FH Maps VI vid
ok, so now that the pics are bigger, i'll review it. looks pretty goo, but i dont see how its a tree house... more like a fortress. some of the interlocking could be better. so i'll give you a 3/5. EDIT: sorry if i wasnt supposed to post here, the first thread was still messed up.
You stole this map, I'v have this map for over months. And it was originally called Elevater. IDK if it has been posted beforge, but i'll look for it, and there gt was not yours.
Dude first thing do not say someone stole a map unless you have solid evidence that it was stolen thank you and please do not argue.
I've seen this once before (don't remember the creator, might have been you), but it's still wrong. That adds to three times. You've either posted it three times, or stole it. Anyhow; these things have been done so many times, and for the lift: anyone can grab the grav lift and use it somewhere else. Also, i don't agree with the recommended gametypes. KotH would be impossible if it is upstairs, since the team that rode the elevator last will get all the hill-time until it moves. You should use at least one extra path to the upper floor.
This is stole, it was, or is still being made by The Official Y35. I was in his party when he was making it.
This map is stolen, i had it like a month ago made by a guy who is named "TwoSaltyNuts" you can ask Tyrant hacker for the comlpete map