Nice job, a good looking scarab with lots of relevant things around it. The elevator is a nice touch from campaign, it'd be cool if you could take a ghost or mongoose up it and drive onto the scarab as you can do in campaign. Also, can we have a pic of the scarab 'blowing up'?
Wow. Um, amazing. This belongs in both aesthetic and competitive, from what I've seen of it.Way better then all the other scarabs. Just curious, how does it "explode".
If the scarab explodes, I'm baking you some cookies; DL que'd also expect to see this on my FH Maps V - video
Thanks alot again everyone for taken alot of time to look at my map all the recent questions have been answered already so just download and see for yourself.
This is a really good map i mean you are the best person that makes scarabs i know.You make them so accurate and detailed.Good job 5/5
Agreed the Scarab looks awesome and the structures around it aren't just random they are relevant to the map. The elevator was a nice touch to the map as well. Great Job. Keep up the great maps! 5/5!
I could have sworn that I'd posted on this already, but after looking over the thread again, it must have slipped my mind. Luckily, it means the post is pre-composed in my head. I didn't think that the exploding feature would be very good at all, but actually liked it alot when I tried it. The fusion coils explode in the right place on the scarab so it looks as close to genuine as possible (barring multiple explosion points, but this would be a nightmare to set up a switch for). The way the power core was pulled off also impressed me, and its definitely the most immersive Scarab I've seen. The grav lift did trap me though, and whilst I could easily get out by smashing it, it did detract a little. The interior was bang on, and this does indeed seem like a genuine attempt at a solid repro of a campaign moment (turrets in the right place inside the scarab, map geometry gave the right impression etc.). The 2 back bases of foundry were very good, and the generally high quality of interlocking was present in them as well. I liked how playable they seemed, and this leads on to my only real problem with the map. Strictly speaking, its a problem with aesthetic maps in general, and is actually more of a suggestion in this case. Aesthetic maps fail to grab me often as they lack much playability, even in the run-around-in-forge kind, and they get old to me quite quickly. I thought that this map actually dispelled that in some parts, becoming a nicely aesthetic map that was also very playable and fun to run around, not something I stumble across often. I just feel that the area underneath and behind the scarab is a little bare, it fits the bill for accuracy and aesthetics nicely, so the map achieves its goal, but I'd really like to see a competitive version of this map, with a little more map geometry in the open areas and 1 or 2 more ways onto the scarab. As it is, for an aesthetic map, this grabbed me more than expected, and I genuinely enjoyed running around it and trying the elevator etc.
Once again, great map, even better than the screen shots. Just wait until the community sees our slayer map coming out, it will bee a hit.
This is by FAR the BEST scarab I have EVER SEEN not only did you make the scarab perfect it really explodes and the rest of the map Is PERFECTLY merges I don't have room but I'll find a way to downlaod it P.S mes sees a featuresss
I know what you mean, the bases are so perfect. In the pics it looks like he put little effort into the bases but when you actually see them it is great interlocking.
i love the exploding effect never would of thought of that,best scarab ive seen so far awsome, 5/5 i will dl for sure.
Amazing map! Zomg I was there when it was being build! 0.o You changed the base. Sorry my LIVE run out STKMoneyMike I gotta get a new gold prepaid card lol.