In my opinion I think this is a great idea to really show how good you really are. I wonder how many General's are out there that have there 50 in like team doubles and there partner carried them all the way and they totally suck. Now it will really bring out who is a real general and who is a crappy one. Also it will really show who is bad and who is good.
It seems Bungie is trying to reward players for playing each individual playlist. Most people now a days reach a level 50 in one playlist and then never really play ranked again....this new system will reward players for being more versitile in what they play. I think its a great idea, because it adds a reward system for playing casual games without being overly competitive.
I'm totally getting a general in rocket race first. A race to the general in rocket race. Oh and it still won't be ranked caboose and blakem0n. That's just general from exp.