I think my friend Ejin82 would like to describe her for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ4m-TOQrXc
No, sorry, I'm afraid that's the "about to get gang raped by a horde of angry Puerto Rican men" monitor.
:O >:[ i actually don't find her...THAT sexy. pretty yeah, but not sexy. she doesn't have that sex appeal about her. Angelina way WAY better :[
I think she's hotter but I don't think she'd be as good of a Laura Croft if she were to be in a movie as Angelina was.
her belly button looks super weird to me. it's too big or something, it wouldn't stop me from saying she's attractive but i cant help but get distracted by that odd looking thing on her stomach.... it's better than an outtie. lol is there something wrong with me?
does ne1 remember the cheat on the first tomb raider tht made her naked, it was really sad, n hu would want to look at a computer game character naked, yet, no1 could resist using it. lol. O, n jolie = no, new girl = hell yh
OMG, Toochie and I just had a big argument about her, and she's all like "Angelina is better, this one has a weird belly button", and im like "but whos gonna be looking at her belly button? Nobodies gonna notice that." you sir, have quite an eye.