Hey guys you know how the have plane races over water or the helicopter races in GTA well what about banshee races in halo we got all the items we really need in avalanche so tell me what you think of the idea
This belongs in gaming discussion. And also I'm not sure how well it'd work. I guess based on how it was set up, you could try to prevent cheating. Not sure how possible that is though.
i think sandtrap would work better as it has a higher celling i think it is a good idea but i don't think it will play well it would be basically a halotracks type race which i find beyond boring i hope you prove me wrong maybe some floating/falling traps
Bungie should have made a Rocket Race type playlist where you fly Banshees or Hornets through rings to collect points, and the vehicles are indestructible. But I guess we have to suffer with mongeese...
You could use a VIP escort variant in the sky to make it work. That actually sounds like a lot of fun!
That does sound pretty awesome. You could make Floating rings to pass through with the VIP variant, then You could Also Toss in some floating crates and whatnot to make barriers.
Think of it like rocket race, but with Banshees. The waypoint areas you have to go to would be in sequencial order, so its an airial race. I might even have a crack at this, it sounds like a lot of fun. If I make anything, I'll give you credit for the original concept.
Maybe have a base made of a few boxes in the middle of sandtrap floating at the same height as the rings, add respawns, and teleportals, and more floating things for cover. Have everybody on the VIP in flight and the other team invincible so the VIP team wont attack and the VIP is disguised like the rest of the team.
That sounds awesome, but wouldn't you have to make a barrier on the inside so they don't just take aerial "shortcuts"?
Moved to Halo Forge Discussion. This is a good idea, as you said everything you need is available to you. The outside of Blackout might be a good location. Or perhaps Standoff. Both have plenty of height. If you use a territories varient, with instant capture. Or Escort VIP in which every player chooses their own team. You can also turn deaths off, which will make it all about racing.
could be hard but it could be fun but as far as killing your oponent if you die then what happens? just respawn next to another bannshee?
Same rules as Rocket Race. Only way you die is assassination. Indestructable vehicles. And yes, you would have to make a ring of double boxes/walls/etc. around the ring to make it more challenging and to prevent cheating.
Really? I would have though the Banshee could have been more effective. Although the Hornet has the ride-along seats for rocket carriers. If that's what you're thinking.