This is an sweet map to beat all others. It is a double layered map that has a large platform in the middle and two castle like dual layered bases with sniper posts at the top and many various obstacles on the bottom of the map. This is my new and original piece that took me about 19 or so hours so check 'er out. Currently Supports Team Slayer MLG Slayer CTF Oddball Red Base Overview Blue Base Overview Sniper Post From Red Base (Sniper Post) Escape Wall Here's the link to Shipping v2 COMMENT BACK thanx --Oddisey
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looks very nice and well forged not sure about the "mlg map to beat all others" but its great some parts seem to be open straight through to the other side, so perhaps you could add a smaller structure in there? good map overall, 4/5
your map's ok. kinda open but i guess that makes sense as it is a sniper map but its not my taste sorry. 3/5 ______________________________________________________ currently working on a map called creep storage coming soon to forge hub
look pretty good, but way too open, i c uv geo merged some things, thats great and looks cool but a some look abit wonky but looks fun