That's kind of cool. I once had a completly unstaged epic moment with a mongoose though. My friend was heading at me full speed on a mongoose, so I threw a grenade in hopes of blowing him up before he impacted me (it was a few days after Christmas and only a few days after I first got any Halo game). Anyways, the grenade exploded under the back-end of his mongoose, propelling him into the air, doing a couple flips, and splattering me. I died by trying to defend myself. I called the video "instant karma". Hehe.
yeh me and my friends made the map in 2 seconds just to see all the explotions. We put wepon holders inside of it so it wouldnt be a continuis( again i suck at spelling) boom
shoot thanks for reminding me... i got an awesome picture of N1NJ4 on a mongoose, floating through a box
aweful but hilarious camera work there, but i wouldnt call that a stunt, as i can tell that landing area wasnt really planned but the air was crazy and the speed was fantastically intense
You spelled awesome wrong haha but anyways the first time i watched it i thought you just shot one brute shot and that only launched you that far but then i backed it up and there was fusion coils i think right? or something.
there wa a bunch of explotions yes, also when i made it i was asleep but my friend made me do it lol.
totally....EPIC....that was crazy i think for sure i would be OH.........MY........GOOOODDD@@@ that was EPIXZORS!!!