This is my second forgehub map post its called Factor its a close quarters map made for FFA but can be played on others its desinged on the campaign level the storm which you may or may not notice. ive put about 18 hours work into this so hopefully my hard works payed off. Weapons On Map: Battle Rifles x6 Plasma Rifles x4 Carbines x3 Plasma Pistols x2 Spikers x4 Shotgun x1 Smg's x4 Frag Grenades x8 Plasma Grenades x6 Spike Grenades x6 Bubble Sheild Power Drain Regenarator Deployable Cover Playable Gametypes: FFA(Recomended) Team Slayer Oddball KOTH Infection CTF 1 Flag CTF Assault Now For ScreenShots: Overview Of The Map A Base B Base The Middle With Bridge (Bubble Sheild Spawns Here) Secondary Bridge (Grav Lift Behind + Overshield) Storage Room Shotgun Spawns Under Here Actionshots Factor FFA Factor
this is a really nice map but it does look a bit sloppy in some areas like the walls are kinda slanted
Most of the map looks really well made, just a few slanted walls. You have used good forging techniques and looks like the gameplay is good. A few of the features I like are the fence wall bridges and the structure of the map. You have placed a lot of movable objects and I was wondering do they get in the way when you are trying to play? Or could you consider deleting a few and maybe be putting immovable cover instead..
omg dude alot of sloppily made crooked crap and stuff that is unacceptable for a good map...otherwise, looks like fun gameplay, so its in half... 2.9/5
Ya agreed the walls do look kind of slanted and the map does look a bit sloppy, but it does look like you put time and effort into the map, nice job. From the pictures I would say you could make a variant for Team Slayer or even Crazy KOTH IMO. 4/5, Nice Job keep up these great maps!
In the first picture there are a few slanted walls but other than that this a decent map. The interlocking is very immaculate and the map design looks flawless. The weapon setup is also not too strong or overpowering. 4/5
A bit sloppy with some walls that are not straight but for the most part it looks good. I am glad it isn't overly crowded with interlocking like most maps are these days. I also like the fence walls the bridge you have have created with them is very cool. Overall I give the map a 4/5 A v2 could easily make a 5/5 by straghtening out some parts. I will DL this map and then rate later
Redundancy incoming! Looks a bit sloppy, but some really nice work here, weapon placement looks perfect. I'll check this out. Edit: why no description, man? Come on, it's just polite to put one, XD
i like this map. it has a nice feel to it and,unlike many other maps, you interlocked all of the surfaces, namely the doubleboxs, into each other. even though i am severly impressed with the overall map you may want to fix some minor details such as the cornor A-sign with the obvious hole s a nd spaces inbetween the walls. such a problem could be remedied by simplhy interlocking them all together.
i double agree, its a nice map but try to make it neater next time, use walls and double walls to even things out as a template.
I see were you are going with this map the ramps leading up to the second floor are a nice touch and the inside just looks amazing. There are some sloppy places though like the walls on the second floor seem to be leaning and one of the bridges looked like it was not interlocked with the wall it was near. So all in all straiten up and more interlocking would make this map great
The last pics wall looks extremely crooked but if you fix those flaws up it should play out well. 4/5
Looks pretty good layout wise, nees to be aesthetically improved a little bit. You should add some more real cover on the ground and interlock those A-signs.One mjor problem i didn't se anyone notice is that in the A-base, the map border is only 1 wall high. The back corridor isn't even blocked off, and you can escape by grenade jumping any time. THe gameplay will mess up if someone does this.