Fast Break

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Tempus 360, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    We've been playing this a lot (and working on this a lot), so I figured we'd share it because we've had a lot of fun with it.

    Fast Break
    Download Map
    Use with Fast Break: N,T and Fast Break : 1

    Created by Tempus 360 & lametastic

    The map consists of a corridor beginning with a supply of mongeese and ending with a ramp over a cliff edge. A well-timed leap from your mongoose will put you right into a cross hair made out of teleporters and transfer you to the scoring mechanism. The corridor features a couple grenade-activated booby traps. Outside is a supply of anti-vehicle weapons (including gun turrets, a rocket launcher, a laser, a gravity hammer, grenades, a trip mine, and more) to knock the opposing team off track.

    Two ways to play:

    1-sided (Fast Break : 1): Attackers begin at the mongeese and flock (sorry, I couldn't help it) to the ramp to make the jump. Defenders start outside and, well, defend.

    Neutral (Fast Break: N,T): Every team for itself. Everyone starts outside, and the first team to reach the cross hair in the sky wins the round.

    We've played with 2-8 players with a lot of success and well-balanced matches (not saying more than 8 wouldn't be fun, but it might get cluttered). Please let us know what revisions we can make and if there are loopholes people are abusing (and if you like it).

    Here are some adjustments we have made thus far:

    To prevent spawn killing:
    --Brief invincibility upon respawn
    --Attackers often start on an elevated surface near fire bombs

    To prevent immediate victory:
    --The ramp is missing a vital piece for the first 10 seconds of the round

    To prevent camping inside the corridor shield doors:
    --Fusion coils on the inside of the doors can be blown up from inside the corridor

    To prevent jumping from the ramp to the cross hair teleporters without a mongoose:
    --3 "Dead End" teleporters at the top of the ramp




    Rough Layout
    #1 Tempus 360, Feb 1, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2009
  2. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Holy crap... every one take note.... the standards for posting maps are evolving.
  3. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Even if the map was bad I would still download this because of how good the post looks.

    I can't wait to play it.
  4. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Wow, pretty. I gotta check this out just cause of how cool you made it look.

    I love lame puns!
  5. SPOC

    SPOC Ancient
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    If you took as much time creating this map as you did making this topic, its gotta be great. Downloading!
  6. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    Pictures look AMAZING! This map has to be good if you put this much work into the pictures. Also I LOVE how you created your own logo for this map haha its great! Can't wait to try it out!!
  7. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    Nice screens! This map has a good concept. Ill save it for tomorrow.

    By the way, lame puns ftw. You dont know how many I get with my name having Grandmas in it....
  8. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Wow. I spend time making my posts neat, but you just blew me out of the water. You're so hot right now.
  9. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I imagine you'd like some feedback on the map itself instead of just the fancy post, eh?

    Overall, excellent concept and execution of concept. Here's a couple of tiny details I noticed. The unused part of the map isn't sealed off, people could get lost out there. You might have to send in [acronym=Combat Search and Rescue]CSAR[/acronym].

    Also, say you're playing the one sided bomb game. What if one member of the defending team grabbed a shotgun and gravity hammer, rode the ramp to get to the score zone, and set up shop? Just a thought.
  10. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I downloaded the map only, now I gotta go back for the gametype cause this looks really fun. Like Pred says, the execution is great, at least what I can tell from the map alone.
  11. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback everyone! Hope you are all enjoying this game as much as we have been.

    Yeah, I considered sealing it off. I ultimately decided not to because people enjoyed sneaking around and either coming up on the sides of the mongeese or down by the edges of the outside and sniping (at the expense of the time it takes to get there). This has come in useful for the attackers when defenders hang out on the top or underneath of the ramp. I was hoping the spawnpoint placements and layout would keep people from getting lost. Does it not seem obvious enough?

    Good point. I was wondering how long that would take. There are a few things like this that I could see people exploiting. I played around with finding a way to remedy that, but it made the actual act of scoring more difficult, so I scrapped it. Do you have any ideas on an implementation to solve this? There's nothing stopping people from doing this in 1-sided; but really, how boring would that be waiting up there when you could be hitting mongeese point-blank with rockets?

    Again, thanks for the feedback--exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for.
  12. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Fair enough. That makes total sense. This doesn't nescessarily apply here, but I made a map on Last Resort that was set up only on the beach. Well, instead of making an impermiable barrier to seal off the rest of the map like most people do, I simply placed a few roadblocks to politely suggest that people not go that way.

    Yeah, I don't really have any answers. Just try not to play with jerks.
  13. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    Is there a way to make a zone that only attackers can score in (kind of like I have it set up using KOTH in the other gametype)?

    EDIT: There is (using territories), but it has presented it's own set of problems.
  14. PlasmaGlory

    PlasmaGlory Ancient
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    Looks interesting... queued :squirrel_rubberduck:
  15. Lametastic

    Lametastic Ancient
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    Wow, awesome post Tempus. I’m impressed.

    For those looking for very unique and addictive gameplay, check this variant out.

    To be completely honest, when Tempus and I were creating this map I did not expect it to be such a hit among our friends. But we’ve played close to a hundred games on it, and it still never gets old.

    This is probably true of most any user-created map, but you can’t really make a fair judgment until you’ve played it with a group. If anyone needs some clarification on how the game is played or would like some friendly guys to play with, send Tempus or me an invite and we will happily kick your butt. :)

    Frankly, this has never happened. Everyone is so preoccupied with trying to stop the deluge of mongooses that I doubt anyone would even imagine it, much less be able to safely get up there.

    But you’re right, it is possible and something I had previously considered. An easy fix would be to change the gametype from Assault to Territories, make the territory instant upon arrival, and set the receiving teleporter slightly in the air to prevent blocking. Problem solved.

    Thanks for posting.
  16. monpe45

    monpe45 Ancient
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    This map looks awsome, nice job, keep up the good work, queuded going to play it as soon as I am done with my Homework
  17. Tempus 360

    Tempus 360 Ancient
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    But could we still make it one-sided with a defense and an offense?

    Yes. But all a defender has to do is stand in the zone to prevent the instant scoring, which seems even worse than having to kill the attacker.

    Another option, and an easy way out, would be to concede the fact that it's possible to do this. If defenders began using this "strategy," the attacking team could just assign one player the job of keeping defenders off the mongeese, which would prevent them from reaching the scoring mechanism.

    Any other ideas?
  18. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    LOL i didn't catch that at first!!

    BTW... awsome map+awsome post. I have seriously seen the best 3 first posts ever in my entire life in the last 5 minutes...

    EDIT: Could a mod seriosly take the original post and put it into "how to post your map"? I think i'd be great to have a fantastic post like this on display to make an example to others.
  19. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    This really caught my attention. Great post. If it didn't have such fantastic posting, I probabally would not check it out, but I will. :squirrel_chatting:
  20. alcapone900

    alcapone900 Ancient
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    looks fun but a little to hard.

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