The two things that caught my eye in this map were the fountain and the slide. The fountain is nice, I like the grav lift thing you have going on, but the slide is just fantastic. Going down the thing is smooth and easy, and the twisting, turning shape of it is great. I'd be really interested in seeing what you could come up with if you made an entire map focused around three or four large aesthetic structures similar to what you did with the slide, like maybe an amusement park full of roller coasters or something like that.
an amusement park, hmmmmmm, that could be my next map after i finish the one im making. I am definitly puting that into mind, thx for the idea and supoort too...
That map looks cool ans is a nice idea it just looks alittle sloppy could use some more interlocking. 4/5 because of sloppiness.
Really? I think that he has plenty of interlocking, and nicely-done interlocking at that. The entire floor and some of the structures are interlocked, from what I can see in the pics.
looks like u just necro posted dude...otherwise a nicely made map, where anyone can jump out from underneath the "water" ....doesnt really look like a water park though!
I'm pretty sure I didn't necro post. The last post on this thread was 9 hours before mine, and the thread was still on page 1 when I posted on it.