Download: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Description: The Bumblebee is a small ship, designed for Assaulting enemy bases. This is the first ship I made, so I decided to try a small one. In front of the hangar are two turrets, for front defense. Behind the hangar there is a small upper level containing a shotgun. The back is the vehicle section. There is a hornet at the edge and if you can find it, a sniper rifle is there too. To the side of the hornet are two open boxes with vehicles below them. It was going to be used as a vehicle drop pod but the vehicles kept dropping so they will just be on the ground. The other base is just the avalanche base with a bunch of weapons and vehicles. It works for the gametypes multi flag and team slayer. I made this ship all today so I hope someone tells me how well I did. Screens: Back side view Hangar To the back If you try this out please comment. Tell me what I should do better next time.
Another ship....not very orginal and very sloppy but i like the fact you at least attempted and it's not that bad.are you able to play on it. If so looks fun.
This looks very nice for a ship but the only thing I would have you fix (if you are gonna fix it) would be in the second picture fix the barriers so the are neatly in line or interlocked.
You can play on it, but I don't know if it would be fun, I never tested it with other people. And, I would fix it but I am too lazy to now that it's finished.
This map could use some serious work. I don't see any interlocking. Even if it is floating, that is one of the most important things to ensure smooth gameplay Some walls are lopsided. You should use something as a guide like a double box, instead of guessing it. The ship seems overpowered. You said the base has "a bunch of weapons and vehicles". That sounds to me like you put almost every weapon on the map there. Also the ship only has a hornet. Hornets are slow and weak compared to banshees. One hornet versus 3 banshees doesn't sound good for the base. Sure the base has a laser, but that has 5 shots and then wait to respawn. In conclusion, I like your map idea and the shape of your ship, but it needs some improvements. PM me if you need any help. -Jelly
First of all a map doesnt NEED interlocking. It would just be better if it did and second of all the map is good as it is. 4.5/5
First off the floor looks a litle bumpy as well as crooked :/ I like the design and effort though. Make a v2 with more interlocking and more of an inside. 3/5
This ship looks a little sloppy especially that wall that looks like its falling over. and it can use some interlocking. The ship is way to small also so this ship can use a lot more work. 2/5 for at least trying.
Meh, not the best ship, but not the worst, either. It could use a bit more than a hornet as a defence, and it could also use a wee bit of interlocking with some of those walls and such, but, like I said, definetly not the worst. It's a lot better than i can do ship-wise. 3/5
Thanks for commenting everybody I understand it has problems, but it was my first time, It is hard to get everything straight. My next ship will be bigger and cleaner.
very nice ship, if it were not as sloppy and had interlocking this would probably be on of my favorite ships
It is when you fuse two objects together to make it smoother. And please don't post in someones topic if it has nothing to do with the map.