Download Here This is a 2 base symmetrical map which is currently only set up for slayer and CTF. This map has components from both Onslaught and Amplified which makes it play very well for both slayer, and flag. Since this was my first version of the map, I did not use objects very efficiently and therefor ran out of objects pretty quickly, which made the map much more empty than I had originally planned it to be. I will work on this in later versions. Included on the map are: 10 Carbines 6 Battle Rifles 1 Mauler 4 Frags 6 Plasmas This map was designed for MLG settings, but can also be played without. Please download the map, rate, and comment. I will appreciate all comments, good, or bad, so that I can work on making hte next version of this map much better. Pictures: Overview Middle Red Base A side B side
dude this looks very well made i see that you put some time into all of this i give it a 5/5 due to it looks very neat and well made
I like the layout of this map. The part near the crane is pretty clever. I like the evenesss ( ummm ) and the smooth gameplay of the map. Also it has some good asthetics.
dude this map is awsome nice job on the interlocking and geo merging everything looks very neat 5/5 and omgforger dont spam
I know that you mentioned that your map has "factors" from the MLG maps, but they arent factors, they are actually the map, not origional at all, i can name a bunch of things that were in the mlg maps that you didnt create. the crane, both bases, both walls on the sides. what did you make? and omg forger- stop spamming. dont be a nubcake or ill put u in the pile and eat you, im so fat from eating various flavors of nubcakes
I made all of the map, I just got most of my ideas from the other MLG maps. I started this map from a blank foundry map, so I dont know what you are talking about when you say that I didnt create those parts. I will agree that my map is VERY similar to the current, MLG maps, but thats what I was going for. I was trying to make a map that had the parts that I liked from the current maps mixed together, with some stuff that I also added.
This map looks just like many of the MLG maps that already exist. I know you said that was your goal, but it lacks originality, which is a big component of how good a map is. However, the actually forging is quite good. 3/5.
Really all that this first version was for was to get a general layout and see how it plays out, so I didnt make it very original. I will make more versions in the future where I utilize my pieces more efficiently and therefor dont run out like I did this time, and I will add much more creativity to the map. For this first version I purely went for gameplay, but in version 2, I will go for more creativity and Aethetics.
As I have already said, I completely remade everything. Take a look at my games and you can see the hours I can put into this map. Saying that all I did was take the original map and then slightly change it is very ignorant on your part. You have no clue what I did to make this. Nothing on the map is exactly the same as on Ons or Amp, so stop accusing me of stealing.
it doesnt look like that at all, the bases and the geomerged crane look exactly the same, like it wasnt even touched or moved an inch
I can swear I've seen this map before. it looks almsot exactly like a map this guy made. im not getting it becasue it has the same layout as lockdown but I could of swore i've seen this map before. I dont want to say it yet but I think this map is potentially stolen. if it isnt im sorry but so many things are the same. the crane, the layout, the bases. I dunno but well see what happens
Hey this is Onslaugh -- Oh nevermind its Stockpi -- Wait a minute... Great work, if you actually created it from scratch. It sort of looks like you just used the same wall and used the cran part, as well as the Onslaught middle part. I'm not really sure if you copied this, I'll try to get some oppinions on it before I make accusations. If you did make this map, Great job and if you stole it, burn in hell. Oh yeah, Welcome to Forge Hub.
I have said it before and I will say it again, I made the entire map myself, just took ideas from the other maps. Also, do you people really think I am dumb enough to post a map on here that I didnt make myself? If I knew that this map was very similar to Ons, do you think that I would of posted it if it was copied? I mean, come on... you cant really of expected me to do that.
This is the most Onslaught-like map I've ever witnessed. Good forging, but I have to give a 2/5 for massive copying.
It was meant to be a lot like Onslaught and after me posting it 5 times, I dont see how people cannot realize that
I am in no way bashing your map or you, but it is definately getting increasingly difficult to tell one mlg map from another. It seems like they all follow the same default layout, only with a couple diffences due to player preferences. It seems too, how do I say this, linear. You can only progress in six simple directions, b side up, b side down, middle up, middle down, a side up, a side down. AGAIN, I AM IN NO WAY BASHING YOU OR YOUR MAP. /rant. Although, the interlocking is very pleasing to the eye in this one. LOL