And how much do said sigs cost? lol I'm a big fan of the third one, but not enough to replace my age-old classic sig.
CAn you makes me one instead of me having to buy ones... You sees I gots no moneys... If you don't make me one you'll have to talk to my attorney Spoiler Believe me you don't
I want one using Toph, from the Avatar show... You pick the picture and what to do with it... Ok... Spoiler Or else
Alright, ill be done soon. Dont wanna mess with it too much. EDIT: It wont let me work on your sig Nemi. It saves itself as a .gif file.
When you do that Nemi, you can't get the .gif off a 'background layer'. (Which allows you to not edit it) I think...
What? I don't get it. It's just an image file. RIGHT CLICK. SAVE. OPEN. EDIT. MAKE INTO SIG. SAVE. UPLOAD. At the very least, try to make a screenshot of it. It's a hi-res screen compared to some others floating around
Dont worry about it, I just used your current sig: I tried to give it more life and then just gave it a border too.