______________________________ CLICK HERE TO SEE VERSION 2 Hello, Forge Hub Community. My name is Jester, and today I am making my first Mini-Game contribution to the Forge Hub. I love Jenga, especially the Halo 3 version. While playing it, it occurred to me that it might be fun if the people on the tower could defend themselves against the zombie. That idea evolved into much, much more, and now I give you the first version of my Battleship Mini-Game. I will make a V2 based on criticism in this thread and from those who have played it. Game type: You sank my This is an infection variant, but for one reason only: it allows the game to make equal teams without all the shuffling around in the pre-game lobby. Half the party are humans, half are infected, but EVERYBODY has the same attributes, so it essentially plays like Team Slayer. Attributes: 1 life per round Invulnerability Sniper Rifle with infinite ammunition Normal speed and gravity Map: Battleship Ok, so you cannot snipe your opponents. So how do you kill them? I will explain the gameplay with the help of some screenshots. Behold Your Vessel... ...the HMS whateverthehellyouwanttocallit. She is made of the sturdiest concrete barriers and wooden pallets, which is to say she is a piece of crap. Each team has two battleships within jumping distance, so abandoning ship is a feasible solution. Your only hope for survival is to remain onboard, so watch your step! Behold Your Cannons... ...but carefully as they are highly explosive. Each team has two cannons, one to attack each of the enemy team's battleships. Learning to operate these cannons is key to victory, so pay attention! CANNON OPERATION MANUAL Step One First you must release the ordinance! Shoot the holders twice with your sniper rifle to accomplish this. You may also choose to simply shoot the ordinance once, resulting in a speedier launch, but BE WARNED: doing so may damage your vessel and will release the shells simultaneously, making them easier to shoot down. Each holder, once released, will fire approximately three shots before it must be re-armed. Step Two Watch the fireworks! With enough direct hits, you will utterly destroy your enemies' vessel and send them to the cold depths! In Case of Incoming Fire... ...simply shoot the shells with your sniper rifle, detonating them prematurely. This is harder than it may seem, but is essential if you want to keep your vessel intact. Hoist the anchor and prepare for epic battlzordz! It may not be EXACTLY like the board game, but hell, its still fun as hell. And remember to scream as you plummet to your death... OH S**T! YOU SANK MY F*****G BATTLESHIP! [B][COLOR=Red]DOWNLOAD [/COLOR]You sank my[/B] [B][COLOR=Red]DOWNLOAD [/COLOR]Battleship[/B]
Nice job! very creative and innovative!! i dont quite understand it, but from what i do gather, it should make a great game! EDIT: OOOO FIRST POST
that is a very good idea, i shall download and see how it works, if it works well i give you kudos, and this should be in the mini game section, but great job very original, even if it isnt exactly like the board game.
This is a great idea, and the execution is great! The whole idea of detonating fusion coils in mid-air to attack the other battleships is genius! Good work, 5/5.
Damn, srry admins. I totally spaced and forgot there was a mini-games section >.< Feel free to move as you wish.
Looks like fun and its very creative but I dont really get it but I'll give it a try. I like the whole fusion coil idea.
Looks great. Can't say from experience, but it still looks fun, at least. My only suggestion is to trade in the sniper rifles for beam rifles, so you don't have to bother with that pesky reloading. 5/5
Wow. Every day, I look at the Comp section. Meh, boring stuff, it's basically all MLG now. I look at the Casual. Bleh, Infection forts not my thing. I look at Racetracks. Whoopdifuckingdoo, it's a circle with a scoring zone. Aesthetics? OMG LOOK ANOTHER GIANT ROBOT. But the Mini-games section is where I always find creativity to thrive. Take this for an example. I love to see how people are finding ways to recreate classic games like Pac-Man, Duck Hunt, Risk, and etc. in Halo 3 using Forge. They show off the capabilities of Forge like no other map can. I have a suggestion for this map to play more like the original board game. Why not make a wall separating the two teams? Then angle the man cannons to be able to make it over the wall, while making it so the players can't see the opposing team.
Lol this is a really funny and cool map. It reminds me of this one where it is a big mech and you move this hornet in its head to the left or right to fire missiles. This looks great Jester.
Great idea. I have never seen anything like this. A good break from all the Wanna-be MLG maps. I haven't seen a switch like that. Very innovative. 4/5
Dude, this looks like a TDF or one of them minigame lol, this thing is epic. I will Dl, hoping that it works as good as you say