Click here to download this map I think that a puzzle category should be put in "the best of forge" competition. I think that this map has the potential for the Best puzzle map. Please download, rate, and critique this map for me. Make sure to set the game to oddball. And this map doesn't require and jumping or manuevering skills. If you know how to figure out every puzzle, you should be able to get through in under 2 minutes. But without knowing the answers to the puzzles, it should take more than 20 minutes. Maybe a lot more than that for some. Edit= The last part actually has a really, really easy way to solve it. This was overlooked, and so that part could end up being a 10 second area. Meaning, it's that easy to figure out. The way I planned is much harder. If you get stumped here the link to a solution page iewreplies=true Here are some pictures. I tried not to show any spoilers or big hints, but there are still some. So if you don't want hints, don't look at them, especially the bottom three . And these are not in order. Don't look at these pictures underneath if you don't want any potentially big hints
ive seen sum pretty sucky puzzle maps b4, but this 1 looks pretty good. i'll give it a dl. ZOMG FIRST POST!!!!!
The only thing wrong with this post is the title, edit your post and change the title to the maps name only. You got a nice looking puzzle map to, I'll download and try it out.
this looks really good, and i think the screen shots really help the look also amazing first post, most first posts are kind of... well crappy also, to change the title go to the advanced editing option, thats the only thing gumby left out
Ok, you kinda got the idea of changing your title, but you are supposed to make it the MAPS NAME ONLY. Which means take out "!!!Try this Puzzle Map!!!"
this is a nice map but not a very origanal idea you should try and add something no one has done before to this map that would make it really good
Why, have you seen all these puzzles before, if so, where because I haven't. Oh yeah, and it is going through a testing phase sorta and so you might have done it the wrong way, like an easier way. Check the solution page to see if you did it the way I intended to and tell me if you did it differently so that I can fix it.
Not bad, not bad at all. I can see that it looks difficult. But mabye pictures of the entire obstacle would be better... Because all I saw is you walking around.
Here, I fixed two major problems that made the two hardest parts very very easy. The link for the download has been updated. The unfixed map already had 80 downloads.
The beginning is boring for me until I got to the part with the mongoose, I like the idea of that room. But, I got out of the map at the fusion coil room. But other then that, It was a great map. Good job. Edit: O I forgot to add, this map does not have the potential for being the best puzzle map, sorry, but not even close.
Hmmm...I compliment you on your attempt, however the map was far too easy to solve. I checked the solutions page and I correctly solved all but the last puzzle in under 10 minutes. Try to incorporate some puzzles with a higher difficulty. Notice! This is in fact the perfect puzzle for people who are just being introduced to the puzzle genre of Halo.
This is actually my first puzzle map and I made it so that the puzzles are very straightforward. My next one will be harder and all my ideas. I don't mean that everything will be new, I just mean that all the puzzles will come from my head and not from looking at someone else's. This first one, even though it's titled 2, was about 70 percent of things I made up myself.
This is actually my first puzzle map and I made it so that the puzzles are very straightforward. My next one will be harder and all my ideas. I don't mean that everything will be new, I just mean that all the puzzles will come from my head and not from looking at someone else's. This first one, even though it's titled 2, was about 70 percent of things I made up myself