Temple Of Atlas

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by American10, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. American10

    American10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    (Click on the picture to download)
    Made by, American10 & Sir Toppum Hat1​

    Supported Gametypes:
    • Slayer​
    • Oddball​
    • king of the hill​
    • Capture the flag​
    • Assualt​
    • Territories​
    • Juggernaut​
    • Infection​
    • V.I.P​

    A few soldiers were able to make it out of Acropolis during the battle. They retreated to a small temple located in the mountains north of Acropolis. There they established a new town and military and stared to rebuild what they lost. The Ottoman military found out about this hideaway and planed to make an attack. Slowly they started to build tunnels leading to the dungeons of the temple.

    On April 30, 1365 the Ottoman military launched its first attack on the Temple of Atlas. The moved through the tunnels they had previously made, slaughtering the guards, that were watching the prisoners in the dungeon. They then found their way to the underground creek, and mine. The Ottoman military stayed there and waited till night. Slowly they creeped though the city killing anyone in there way, until an Islam soldier spotted one of the Ottoman’s guard. At that time all hell broke lose. The Islam’s military attacked with full force, but the damage was already too bad the Islam’s couldn’t do anything, there were just too many of them. Blood paved the streets, parentless children cried; for sure this was the end of the Islams.​

    The Ottoman’s soldiers took everyone else, who were still alive, as prisoners and began to head back, but then a guard sees foot prints leading from the battle seen along with a trail of blood. Someone had escaped!​

    Map description:

    Well the map is a small map that concludes 4 story's of amazement and tunnels.On the top there is the ground that includes a house, temple, sniper bunker, cove, waterfall, mine shaft, and more.Then there is a sort of "aqueduct" feel to the first layer of tunnels because of The water from the waterfall.These tunnels are stand up tunnels and they have 5 entrances to the ground above,and they have 2 entrances to the next layer underground.When you jump down from the 1st tunnel leyer you have two options, you can go to the left and go on the bottom floor where the dungeon is at or you can take a right and go through a layer of crouching tunnels.If you pick the right you can take another right and go up the mine shaft to the top of the level or you can take a left and go to some stand up tunnels.In the stand up tunnels there is a series of holes that you can go down to the bottom layer of crouching tunnels, but you must watch out for traps.Scattered around the map is some unresistable traps that take you to the dungeon and makes you kill yourself or stay in there and wait for someone to kill you.​

    Layout picture:
    This is a simple layout made from sketchup.It shows all the visible weapons and equipment in the layout.It kinda shows the tunnels to see what they look like.I recommend downloading the map to see it better.​

    Weapons on map:
    • 1 sniper​
    • 4 battle rifles​
    • 1 smg​
    • 1 spiker​
    • 1 spiker​
    • 1 magnum​
    • 1 plasma pistol​
    • 1 brute shot​
    • 1 covenant carbine​
    Equipment on map:

    • 2 plasma grenades​
    • 1 spike grenade​
    • 1 bubble shield​
    • 1 trip mine​
    • 1 regenerator​
    • 1 radar jammer​
    • 1 deployable cover​
    The Dungeon:


    how it works:

    Well, there is some random traps around the map you can get trapped in and they put you in here.You have two options in there, you can look up and break the pallet and die or you can stay in there and teabag the ground until someone kill you.

    How to kill someone in there:

    You can simply go and find a trap and get stuck in it and kill him in there and get trapped or you can go underneath it and shoot the propane tank down there.The propane tank explodes and knock the fusion coils down and kills the people in there.​

    The video:



    note* some of these picture came from a clip that had infinite grenades and invincibility on so dont think there is ultra super grenade spamming.​

    Overview of top

    The Shack on top

    The Waterfall and platform

    The sniper bunker

    The cove

    The 1st layer of tunnels are filled with water from the waterfall

    The 1st layer of tunnels

    The middle of the 1st layer of tunnels

    The dungeon

    Random tunnel shot 1

    Random tunnel shot 2

    One entrance to the tunnels

    Random tunnel shot 3

    Random tunnel shot 4

    Random tunnel shot 5

    Thanks and other information:

    Thank you to all the play testers out there that made us realize some of the bugs on the map.This map took us awhile and we hope you all like it.This is the 2nd map of the ancient map pack and the third one is comming soon.The first map in the ancient map pack was "Acropolis".

    Map download:

    Infection gametype:

    Download Attack of Atlas
    #1 American10, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2008
  2. mitona

    mitona Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1st post

    great map truly outstanding. 10/10
    tunnel system is very elaborate. very original and very competitive.
    This is one of the maps that i probably am going to keep on my list since the beta testing was so fun.
    #2 mitona, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
    evan12075 likes this.
  3. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks very well made, and the gameplay looks excellent. The overall design is very cool, and traps are a nice addition to the map. You did a nice job with the water room(s), and the top dome area is good too. Great work, 5/5.
  4. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    I am very impressed with the presentation and layout of the map. I love the center structure on the top level, and for some odd reason, this map is very pleasing to my eyes. I don't know what it is but, it just does. I also like how you used sketchup to give people a better idea of the layout.
    headlessbarbie likes this.
  5. baby bacon

    baby bacon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From the pics this map is amazing Ive yet to see anything like it i personally love tunnel systems in any way and the center structure looks great. this is definitly a dl from me.
  6. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    finally you posted it, this map is amazing, the tunnels, the water, the main area, all the interlocking, everything. I had soooo much fun playtesting this, it works amazing with ffa slayer. There is nothing i could find bad about it, and the hidden tellies and dungeon are a very nice touch, amazing job toppum and american.
  7. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well my fellow mini mod you do it again. this map is exsquisit. nthe interlocking is perfect as expected from you and the design is, to say the least a feat matching that of Acropolis. there openess of the map is adequit and the gameplay is impecable. i hope to see more maps from you in the future and as for this map id say it rivals that of your previous who rivaled the maps that have been featured.
  8. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    Oh my god this post is awsome *crapped pants*
    lol anyway this looks really well thought out and just amazing. The only thing I dont know is how long it took you to make that 3D overveiw lol. This is almost like a new version of tunnel rats execpt playable. great job 5/5 dont worry I got to save this under my list of maps to DL becasue my live is shot :( dont worry this will get DL'd by me great job.
    #8 xMBMAxPureEvil, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  9. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Why should i make a version two?is there anything wrong with the map? or are you just commenting on the map to get posts?
  10. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lol headless Barbie, Anyways great map! This is like a far better/improved tunnel rats. I like this maps idea too, Its really ingenious. The tunnels may be clustered but they work very well. The dungeon Idea too was very neat! I like the center structure outside too, it looks very original. Also how you can drop down makes it cool too,

    Your thread was very well worded and composed, this hows how much time and effort you put into this map witch means promissing gameplay. Overall this map is amazing. Nice work!
  11. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dude theres nothing wrong with this map. I crapped my pants just looking at it. By the way I think the best thing that you did was the little holding cell thing. its cool how you get yor ideas for maps from landmarks and such. again great job. if you think im serious though no i didnt crap my pants. sorry american
    xSharpshooter94 likes this.
  12. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    LOLOLOLOLOLOL.Dude headshot dont worry i was talking to forgy forge....
    xSharpshooter94 likes this.
  13. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
    Senior Member

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    poor interlocking sloppy anyone could make this in 15 minutes 1/5

    this is a fantastic map
    like i know it will get featured, thats how good it is
    great work
    it payed off 5/5
  14. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    This map is AWESOME... Great interlocking, well... Umm that's about the greatest thing I can tell you anyway... If this map failed I would have fed you to my Toad... So you are lucky... Keep making wonderful maps... I am downloading this one because it looks like it has good gameplay​
  15. xUM Cassgo 305

    xUM Cassgo 305 Ancient
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    This map is truly from a map making god (or gods). I love the background behind this map. I loved testing out this map and playing it. This map is an epic win. I loved the whole Ancient Map Pack. From the aesthetic beauty to competiveness (if thats a word), This ranks as one of the best maps I have ever played. Keep up the outstanding work American10 and Sir Toppum Hat1.

    PingPongLegend you have to play this map to see if its good, some maps on ForgeHub are two open single boxes and a ball and they get great reviews. Honestly If you can remake this map in 15 minutes I will give you my soul. And the outside is supposed to be like that because there is something behind that. I got your back American, great map keep up the good work.
    #15 xUM Cassgo 305, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
  16. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Dang this was an awesome map. I can't even tell you how much winsauce must have gone into making this. A whole lot man, a whole lot. I like the idea of the dungeon, and it looks like very intense gameplay. What is the best starting weapon? SMG, AR, or BR?
  17. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    truly a great map. you and Sir Toppum Hat1 really out did yourselves. not only are the aesthetics of the map great but so is the gameplay. the tunnels and signs on top are interlocked very neatly and the shack is a great addition. the weapon placement is good as well. again great job you two
  18. American10

    American10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well im sorry the gameplay doesnt please you predator..If only i really cared because more than a hundred people love the gameplay and the map so...
  19. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks really good, and the dome type thing looks crazy
    One thing i liked is how you did the 3-D structures so everyone can get a good overview without anything blocking the view.
    The trap is also very neat, reminds me of power core
  20. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    You recommended this map to me like 5 times, so I checked it out. I have to say American, this is extremely well made. The tunnels are elaborate and the traps definetly caught me by surprise and kept me on my toes. However, the style of gameplay on this map really doesn't tickle my fancy. It's good, I just don't love crouching in tunnels for the entire game.

    In all though, great job.

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