Conduit is a 2-6 Player FFA and Small Team Game Map. I spent around 8 hours or so on this map and i tried to make everything as perfect as possible. My favorite part of making this map was building the column room. It was so fun having Sideout yelling at me telling me my pillars weren't straight lol. I've tested and tested this map to make sure the spawns are playable. So if you have any complaints about spawns or any other issues post them here on this thread. Weapons: Battle Rifle-x4, 45 sec Assault Rifle-x1, 30 sec Magnum-x2, 30 sec Mauler-x1, 150 sec SMG-x2, 45 sec Spikers-x2, 45 sec Covenant Carbine-x1, 60 sec Brute Shot-x1, 120 sec Gravity Hammer-x1, 180 sec Grenades: Spike-x4, 10 sec Plasma-x2, 20 sec Frag-None, You start out with 2 for God's sake. Incenerary-None, Too many complaints and i just don't like them. Equipment: Regenerator-x1, 90 sec Bubble Shield-x1, 90 sec Active Camo-x1, 150 sec Screenshots: This is an overview of the first room of 3 rooms total. This is an overview of the same room but from a different angle looking towards the bunker. This is a view of the column room from the bunker room. This can often be a very explosive place take caution. This is a view of the same column room but from above. Notice the Gravity Hammer on top of the columns. This is a view of the Active Camo room from the column room. This is the view from the inside of the bunker. Action Shots: Jarhead getting double-teamed lol Jarhead getting stuck in the face. Im the one doing the facial reconstruction . Jarhead once again showing us his awesome tactics by running into a room full of Red Team members. This map was made for a contest in the group U Can Forge We Can Help. We are a great group of people and we are growing steadily. As of right now we have 134 members. You too can be a part of this great experience. Joining is easy, no jumping through hoops, just click the join group button and your in. Enjoy! II AceMasta II Here is the link in case you missed clicking on the picture to DL DOWNLOAD
Excellant geoglitching! This looks very neat and organized. I think this looks like fun! I love how you used the barriers and the screenshots make the me want to DL as much as the map does. Sorry I hate to say this but 5/5 lol
Haha thanks dude i love the columns because they allow for different cover that changes every time you play.
Wow this looks like a really awesome map. I like the columns a lot. It is kind of hard to place barriers on top of each other with such accuracy. Also that bunker looks interesting, but a closer picture might be nice. You have made a tremendous map here and it deserves to be recognized. Maybe not feature worthy but TGIF worthy indeed. Great job. 4.999999999959/10 jk 5
i was going to ask if the columns are unmovable, but then i saw the fusion coils and the wreckage lol i like the map sick interlocking and geomerging
Join us Excellent map. You should tell your 134 members to join FH. You guys look like you have talent.
Thats a great idea a few of them are already members like one of the most noteable is probably evan he's pretty prominent here i believe
sweet map is excecuted well and the barriers change the gameplay slightly every time seeing as they can't always fall exactly the same good job on that and your weapon placement is great
This look like a really good map. I can tell just from the pictures that gameplay would probably be superb. One thing though, If you ever make a V2, you may want to make it a bit less sloppy in areas such as the platform made of walls. I really like you giant pillars though, they look like they took some time.
Oh yeah that reminds me i forgot to tell you some small areas may be sloppy because my money glitch broke to the point of no return so i hade to use what i had left. Lol stupid money glitch
This is a great map nice interlocking, looks clean. I like the whole idea with the columns and the fusion coils blowing up and knocking them down looks like fun. I dont see anything wrong with the map.
wow this looks awesome i like the destructible columns i haven't seen any potentially fatal aesthetics since halo ce!