It's a little late to ask for people tonight so I will be recording tomorrow night at about 10 EST. You will need to listen to what I say, because I need specific shots. Also, don't send me messages if I boot you, because you're not getting back in. Reply if you are interested. These positions are just for a few shots (about ten) By the way; you WILL have to change your armor, colors, and emblem for a a while.
10:00:00 Friday August 15, 2008 in America/New_York converts to 02:00:00 Saturday August 16, 2008 in NZ do my google skills amaze you?
well, that depends if that time is am or pm. EDIT: After further research, I have discerned that your proposed time is 2 in the morning, I probably can't make it. If I do, I won't be able to talk, as my xbox is right next to my parent's room. lol its ****ing bullshit >.<