Hi this is a remake of my first map that was bad so i made this better and included more of a maze to it so. Maze and infection! It starts off on a box that you are not in for long then you start heading to the maze. The maze starts with you haveing to find a grav lift to get to the other side then you go throught the teleporter. Hurry the zombie is on its way. You brake the barriers then hit the crate then jump through then you have to find another grav lift to move the dumpster. Get in the mongoose quick. Then head throught the teleporter and find a good weapon Play it to have fun! ENJOY PICTURES This is where you spawn! Find the grav lift? The tekeoirter after the grav lift! Hurry brake the barriers What are those for? O you found the grav lift! o good the fat worker did not get you! Steal his car! Make sure there are not workers around! CLimb the elevator! Kill the fat worker! O NOT AMBUSH! THE GAME Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing (MAP) Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing (GAMETYPE)
umm this is confusing, but there has already been a slaughter house and a slaughter houseV2. this was made prett messily, but still pretty good.
so you have to go thourgh a bunch of obsticales to face a guy on a machine gun and if you die you have to do that all again? sorry that dosent seem very fun to me
The dont have to be on a machine gun and the alpha zombie is hard to kill so he is fat and hard to kill but the other zombies are fast so it is not that hard!
Ya please at least give a reasoning. For me I give it a 4/5 because of the idea and it would actually be pretty fun!
not a huge fan of the whole bottling zombies in an area and thne putting a turret there this is an ok map but i wouldnt play it 3.5/5
I give it a 3/5. The idea is old, and all of the obstacles I have seen before. I don't see anything too original, except for combining them all. Good job though.
really you think that? when you play thousands of custom games, this kind shows up a TON, having a man sit back and kill all that he can see coming toward him. but the map itself looks like it has many big gaps on foundry, i saw a pic and saw a very big line stretching across and it was a long and wide line
This map just doesn't look fun at all. The whole "break the barriers" thing is such a tired gimmick, and the whole idea of the alpha zombie being really hard to kill just isn't appealing when you are already being attacked by normal zombies. 2/5. Not particularly neat either, few to no Forging 101 techniques.
i warned that he was going to get eaten here. but he still had to find out. yea... football... i told you that you need to work on the aesthetics
lol sharpshooter i like that post any way i like it and it is a funny idea fat worker lol like it more than fatty kid nice idea nether the less