MLG Colosseum Created by prophetofheresy MLG Colosseum is where blood, sweat, and tears are the determining factor of your fate. Not strategy and luck Base:.Foundry Supported Gametypes: Assault Capture the Flag King of the Hill Slayer Description: This is a colosseum with an mlg layout and is completley symmetrical .It is set up for Slayer, assault and KOTH. AND I KNOW THERE ARE ASSAULT RIFLES ON THE MAP Forging 101: [ ___ ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Basic Overlook Download MLG Colosseum
Your going to have to embed more pictures and make them bigger if you want people to download you map. YOu can visit the map post generator or you can visit this page for a tuturial on how to embed your pics.
There would really be no point to any more pictures because the picture has most of side B and they ar symmetrical
Well atleast it looks clean lol Sarcasm* i wont tell you to get more pictures, thats what they were for, but i would suggest that you build up the side bases if any, i can see you spent alot of time on the middle, and the outside/permieter, but i cant see anything else in the picture, its kinda openish
It looks like you can't escape, I'll give you that. But I don't think it could be considered MLG because (I might be mistaken) I don't think rockets are MLG weapons. The map looks clean and interesting but there should be more cover and walkways and such. 4/5
i think a better name would be MLG Generic every mlg map is the same, two bases with a structure in the middle your map is well done and i like it you ahve a good middle structure and some good interlocking 4/5
i cant stand it when people call their maps MLG. that is SOOOO over-used. it looks cool but be creative and give in an origonal name.
The circle looks famileir... But the middle piece is too bland... Mabye add a bit more direct paths... And a little more covers on the side... Tha's all I could see from the pictures anyway.
I'd give the map a 3/5 overall. It looks like it would play good but it seems in some areas where barriers are used maybe you could have gone a little further and added a morphed wall or fence wall. If you didn't have enough money than I understand though. But yeah nice MLG map.