Here is my latest map. It was designed completely with Oddball and King of the hill in mind, however FFA slayer would also be great. The oddball and Hill are located on the platform up two flights of stairs and fenced in except one section. This map has great gameplay and I would enjoy feedback to make it better. Power weapons are on the map but do not spawn immediately at the beginning. Wait three minutes into the match and you get a soccer ball launched into the arena that can be used for cover. Also check the back of the deisel truck for a nice surprise. Best with 3-16 players Shotgun X 2 Spartan Laser X 1 Rocket Launcher X 1 Energy Sword X 1 Spikers X 2 Needler X 1 Gravity Hammer X 1 Plasma pistols and magnums X 2 Battle Rifles X 3 Screenshots Overview of map Other direction overview King of the hill match in progress Link to download map Link to download King Oddball gametype Happy Gaming!!!
Re: Oddball and King of the hill map, "The Balliseum" with pics actually looks alright, just clean up the walls a little bit if possible
Fileshare is a no no. Please be sure to post a link to the forum, because it is required. Looks sloppy in some areas and I'm sure the design is equally balanced so players can get to the hill the same amount of time from any angle of it. If you were to expand this and make it resized to fit all of Foundry, then it might be cool. Good work though.