I'm making an infection game called Mad Science and a map called Evil Lab. So I need some ideas for what to make it like.
I really wish I had Bioshock then. EDIT: My idea is to make a big maze. The humans are labrats and the zombie is the mad scientist. When a new round begins, the person with the least points is zombie. Everyone has one life, and the zombie can only be assasinated. Humans have set color as black, zombie as white. The zombie has to kill the humans. If the zombie dies, the zombie is zombie again. Zombie starts with assault rifle and energy sword, and the humans start with magnums. No weapon pickup for either. The zombie has to kill the humans, or a human has to assassinate the zombie. That sound good?
You mean the one above? I'm just not sure people will like my idea, so I'm just asking if anyone else has some ideas.
Devonstar, just so you know when you set the zombie selection to "Chump", it doesn't really mean the least score, it means who died first... this is what we tried first for "The Estate", trust me...
I mean that you already have the whole idea, you just need to build it. I mean if the map is called evil lab, then you make a laboratory with shield doors, and that is where the outbreak happens. How you design the rest of the map, can simply be done by building the main lab, and focusing the rest of your creation around that. Now I'm assuming you would want about 3 to 4 zombies to start off for the game type, and they are in the lab. Maybe even have it so that the starting spawn of the humans is in the lab, and 1 zombie is trapped in a test cage of sorts, but can break out of it, and comes after all the scientists, you can then have the rest of the building consist of long hallways with small rooms, have a second floor to add to the fun, and have the scientists with only plasma pistols to start off, and then have different weapons scattered in different rooms throughout the whole map, don't make the zombies super fast, or super slow, same speed should work fine. I just meant your idea is awesome already, just build it.
That sorta sounds like Doom, but it's still cool. I'll create and play(with some friends) your idea, then mine. I'll see which is better, then I'll post.
Hey dude I was just thinking of doing a lab type of thing for infection, lol. I have a pretty good idea of what it could look like, if you wna tme to help just send me a pm.
Ive got an idea for inside the lab. Making sure you can't pick them up in the gametype, You could use incendery grenades and mabye equipment to act as hideous potions and experimental surgical tools and such. That just gives it a bit of an extra kick when you look round.
if youre making a lab heres an idea why dont you stack fusion coils on top of each other in the corners so they look like energy pipes that would also explode it shot or samshed just making a deadly lab deadlier