New Map sighting in video

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by redearth, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    wow... that would be.... amazing!! i belive it could easily be a map editor. i noticed watching it again that johnson, cortana, and the other AI humans didnt look as nice as the covenant... could this mean that they are putting more time into that because that is what they are actually putting into a map?

    Maybe it is a gametype.. played on the blank gridlike thing they have.... and the covenants are coming at you in waves, each time you defeat a wave, your "base" or what he was sitting in grows larger, or things are added on. the waves grow larger, as does your base, with cover. Possibly because that is a simple grid, it will just be blank at first, but you can do a forge type thing where you can customize what type of ground you have. (jungle, mountanious, plains, winter), and you customize what you start out with at your base. The gametype would be simple too.. you can adjust what creatures you find in each wave coming up against you, along with "skull" type options that give the creatures power ups or you disadvantages.

    The other thing i looked for when i went back was to see if there were any flaws in the base on the grid, hinting at the fact that it would be a map editor. that is possibly one structure that you can place though.. because in foundry sometimes people have trouble creating rooms.

    I am putting this in a blog, check back there for more ideas and updates.

    *or... what if they remade RELIC to be a completely high-tech dimension??? instead of it being an island in the middle of nowhere, the grid stretches endlessly, but this was a created thing in there. you cannot walk on the grid because you will fall through, but on this land, you are safe. replace the beaches with metallic waves or rust or something and you have a high-tech relic!!
  2. scardypoopoo

    scardypoopoo Ancient
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    See thats what I thinking only a little different. Yeah the grid is like emptyness and you have to put floors down and if you dont put a floor down you will fall and die. thats why they only placed that one floor and object. Aka total map editor.

    Plus why would they be so secertive about just another map. Frankie wouldv'e already given it a code name.
  3. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    maybe its the start of something big.. really big. who knows? hey scardypoo if you have any suggestions to add post it in my blog
  4. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Jeez people should search the forums before they start their own post. There are like 10 of these just on the halo discussion forum. Not trying to be a party pooper, but I'm just saying. This is really cool though.
  5. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    They should sticky the "best" one these OMG video threads or make a new "official" one and sticky that.
  6. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    this is the biggest one as far as im concerned. has anyone searched for some expert guy examining the video and making his comments on what he thinks will happen?
  7. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    True, but he didn't embed the video (or what ever its called so you can play the video one the site).
  8. zoltan0

    zoltan0 Ancient
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    Lol people are wondering how bungie put npc's on rat's nest. Of course they can put npc's on rats nest, they MADE the game. Oh and my opinion is that they're going to either add a campaign editor, or as countless other have suggested, a forge map that's just a big cube, that's totally customizable.
  9. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I'm just copying and pasting what I wrote in the thread on

    A lot of people are saying that it's not the right program that they're in so it couldn't be an unfinished map. It's probably just for show if it's a real map in the making. They don't expect people to know which program they use, but they do expect people to know what the general idea looks like. So they slapped a grid in the background. It doesn't need to be the exact program when they're just using it for show.
    However, it could be the way that the grid would be projected in forge IF it was a new foundry. I'm 50/50 on if it is or not, because they've released a lot of maps already and they weren't acting this strange. The structure at the end seems extremely simple, and it doesn't have any aesthetics added to it, so it could possibly have been made in forge. The platform he's standing on definitely looks like a forge object. Idk. I'm going to -blam!- my pants if it is a new foundry, but if it isn't, I guess it's good too.
    On the ai part, yeah those models didn't seem ready to start shooting at him or anything. I doubt you're going to be able to play as, or place them in forge. I'm guessing they used it as a kind of way to show all our "friends" in the halo universe. Just as a joke, like they were in on it too.
    Another thing people are saying is that something as big as we're all hoping for could never be downloaded. However, an expansion pack is certainly possible. Think of the possibilities of that! They could totally meet every major request they've received with one of those.
    If nobody else is going to, I guess I'll make an analysis of the video, since I like to do that sort of stuff. If I do, I'll post it here.

    Edit: If your going to quote me, please take out the parts you are not referring to, as really, I do have a pretty big post.
    #49 ZANDER1994, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Holy manjitis, what the hell is that!
    A possible big team foundry?
  11. N1NJ4

    N1NJ4 Ancient
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    Somebody in one of these threads said that it couldn't be a modder cause he had recon shoulders and in the last shot he has a default setup.

    This was the first thread about this if you read the date posted
  12. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Thats gona be sick man, think of all the stuff we can make, its like infinate
  13. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    My only worry is that one piece looked like one solid piece... I liked using boxes and stuff in creative ways to make structures like that.
  14. goldenknight508

    goldenknight508 Ancient
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    That looks awesome, but I think its just a map in its pre development stages. ='(​
  15. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Maybe the guy's a good forger and he interlocked them. That would be awesome. Cause I agree with you about the rooms aren't as good as walls and boxes part. We just need 2 types of walls. Our normal ones, and ones half as long, for more prescise structures.
  16. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    "...don't show this to the internet..."
  17. The Noisy Killa

    The Noisy Killa Ancient
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  18. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    If This did happen i would take up tremendous amounts of memory on our hardrives
  19. x1 caboose 1x

    x1 caboose 1x Ancient
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    so id delete everything non halo to use it
  20. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Wow, this is pretty crazy.

    Given the nature of the award, and the scene at the end I can guarantee this is some sort of map editor, if you've seen other map editors you would know by the grid design at the end that this is almost assuredly one of them.

    This is either

    -Forge 2.0 for halo 3: Changing a puny and limited map editor to a full blown map creator. This would revolutionize forge in so many ways assuming they didn't take out any of the old features that allowed for entertaining mini games and such. I'm guessing it would be one total canvass map that you would have unlimited options with so forging on the old maps would still be the same.

    -Halo 4's map editor: They mentioned both new projects and halo 4 in the video so maybe this could be something that we won't see til the next game.

    Either way I'm pretty impressed, if forge 2.0 were to be true and came along with midship and purple reign I'd **** myself.

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