Map Title: Cookie Crater pretty much a v2 of my popcorn plaza Download Cookie Crater here! Download Body Count Description: Hey there, this is my 4th map posted on here. my most recent was popcorn plaza i believe. and after going over the comments. i made a version 2. i thought i did really good on the first one, but there were some things i could have improved on, so i did. Cookie Crater has the same feel as popcorn plaza but bigger and a pretty freaking awesome man cannon lift...seriously, its ballin. It also features a ghost on it, if you don't like it, you can just take it out. But anyways i made it so u CANT get out this time, and if u can, u have lower gravity or your in forge. I have spent a butt load of time on this map, i have also recently changed just a couple of things. nothing to effect the gameplay, just some aesthetics. I don't think there is much more i can improve on, except maybe just a couple of very minor things. The gametype BODY COUNT, is the same as the one on my popcorn plaza post, so if you have it, congratulations. but if you dont, here it is again...Here.. This gametype is really just a screw around when your bored with your friends, normal health and gravity, random guns, infinite grenades, and infinate ammo. and i've screwed around with the points. On to the pics! This one is on the bottom floor, near the man cannon Below is a picture of the ballin Man Cannon, u dont have to jump or anything. I somehow managed to get it almost perfect with where it spits you out. its made of alot of Wall Corners. I know I could have flipped over the bridges, but i figured i'd like to see the other side for a change This is taken at the ghost spawn, In the flipped Double Box is where a mauler spawns with a couple of spike grenades. Just above the blue explosion is where the lift takes you. I hope you all enjoy, and if you missed the links, here they are again... Cookie Crater BODY COUNT and here is the link to Popcorn Plaza if you would like to try it out too. Popcorn Plaza
It looks quite good. Some nice interlocking, especially on the Man-Cannon lift. It does seem a little open though and some cover would be nice.
wow this actually looks really good, just flip the bridges and it will look amazing. nice job 5/5. and i rearly give that out.
Ya it looks really fun for some FFA and very ncie interlocking! Although from the pictures it looks like there is no interlocking. More cover would make this map perfect! 5/5
It looks prety fun but i would have prefered more cover in the map but you did do great with the lift so all in all you did good.
wow this actually looks really good, just like stin10 said, just flip the bridges and it will look amazing. nice job 4/5.
wow very well done this is impressive when i saw that you were a trainee i thought it was going to be a weak map but this awesome 5/5
Wow how did you do that in the second picture. That looked really awesome for the mancannon lift. I'm not sure about the gameplay, but I would suggest you flip the bridges. Like the double boxes, it is an easy way to improve aesthetics and to a slight degree, gameplay. 4/5
This looks pretty neat! My favorate part it definately the wall corners sloped to make an elivator. That looks fun and origonal. I also like how it can easily support a ghost with its many floors. This is a must DL for me. I think this looks like a 5/5 I'll see how it plays in a few minutes.
Ooo... That's not that bad, I did not see much from the pictures but I can tell you put effort into your map... I give though map a 4/5 I also adore the interlocking, and how you put the mancannon to use.
The only thing I could suggest is to have some cover on that really flat platform. I know a ghost is on the map, but it looks a little plain there. Maybe you could put open single boxes merged into the side walls or something. Other than that it looks really good and deserves a 5/5. Oh, and if you make a v2, add aesthetics. It'd make the map even better, but I usually don't take it into consideration when scoring maps.
Er...Actually you can still grenade jump out of this map. Lol sorry I was just curious. On the third picture from the top there's that guy in the off green on that double box. You can grenade jump from that area over the stairs that lead down to the ghost spawn. You'll land on the wall on the other side and be able to leave from there.
actually, when i mentioned the changes i made, that was one of them, because i had a couple of my friends try to find any ways possible to jump out, and they found that and i fixed, i put boxes over the fence boxes above and near ghost, and i put another door over the one u can see on the far left, and i am pretty sure that the bridge above the wall keeps u from getting out
I really like it and i love the corner wall grav lift but it's really open and hard to navigate through to differnet areas without dieing because of it.
Looks open. But that works for me. And OMG so curved, that is truly the best interlocking I have ever seen.
thanks for all the feedback guys, and also this morning i flipped those bridges, so if you want the updated version u can add me on live, my gt is PUNJA also