If what you say is true, you make a good point. I'll now be waiting for the Mythic map pack with intense anticipation.
Think it about it...Forge is a huge part of their community...did you not listen to what they were saying...about how they do what they do for the community...so that map probably wasn't a map. It was just a map editor where you can design your own maps...like walls, ceilings, geometry, and the skin. Remember their cancelled E3 announcement....This has got to be it.
Lawlz who r u??? but seriously, i don't think a map pack is a great E3 announcement for it to be cancelled.
Thats not what Im saying...I'm saying a full out map editor like far cry or crysis or something. Plus the AI bots...Thats worthy of a small E3 announcement. I mean what console game do you know that has a full out map editor..I dont mean like forge I mean like edit everything. And who are you?
Wow, that video was pretty cool. I wonder how they put all those guys an hunters in there. The map looks weird... I don't know what to think, or expect from it.
You know the halo blue thing? And how it was supposedly a flash drive. Well we don't know for sure, and someone came up with an idea. Probably a coincidince, but in the video the tile grid was "blue". And he was wearing "blue". Most likely a coincidince, but it does support the idea. And alot of the time he was in blue base rats nest.
wow maybe this means we can finally modd halo 3 without fear awesome! that would be sick!or even if it was a new forge feature adding active AI i had that idea ever since forge was introduced to halo!
It wasn't great and the object placement wasn't as great as forge. Every object was premade too so you can't make your own thing.
I went back and watched the video again and noticed that in the last scene the dude has different armor perms. this raises doubts in my mind about that new foundry idea
why doesn't anyone think its a map editor. It looks exactly like one. Look at Foundry. Its got all the blocks on the floor to help line stuff up. Its not going to be a map for like slayer....Its just you create your map from it. Like everything is editable. Unlike Foundry.\ Edit: What does different armour perms have to do with that?