Can we make a new sport in halo 3? i was thinking of something, but i know that most are gone. like we cant do soccer, basketball, paintball and nascar. but mabye something else... what sport should we do? i know of lacrosse, football, skiing, swimming, and polevault. are there any more sports, or these that we could create in halo 3? it could be a great new map. AND BASEBALL SUX
Who said we can't make nascar? Just have an oval racetrack and someone to announce whats happening. But for a new idea... I don't know.... The X-Games?
Tennis has been made, and it is one of my favorite maps... I experimented with football, but it really didn't work, you needed mucho honor rules. If you still want to do that, then talk to me, I'll explain. Grifball is basically Rugby, without the rules... Boxing? Lol
good ideas! X games would be awesome, but what games could we do? We could do boxing, and make a ring and make it be like sword and 3 hits to win, idk how, but we could find a way. what other sports are there? and nascar has been made, what else can we do? i wana push forge to its limits.
Tennis was already made too...Dunno if it was overused, but I made a tennis variant called HE Tennis. I had another idea for a sport where we place teams' bombs opposite to their side, make them run over, pick it up, run back and drop it down a chute. The variant used would be assault, and the scoring system would be something like this: there are two small rooms, one on each team's side that hold another bomb and plant zone. The room would be blocked off by teleporters and the bomb that gets dropped down the chute would trigger a series of events that blocks the teleporters allowing access into the room and score. I was also thinking of making it low-grav and calling it Spaceball lol. Just an idea though. I just thought of that yesterday, not sure if it would work or make a good gametype but I'm gonna go try to make it sometime.
interesting. sounds like a complicated map, like a rube goldberg, which would take a long time to make, pm me if u wana make, i could help, i love rube goldbergs.
Actually, I could probably make the map using only a few simple switches. For example, bomb drops down chute, mancannon launches bomb into a fusion coil knocking it into another mancannon, blowing up a turret, and spawning another turret using min/max switches and blocking off the teleporters. I know what TNT Polo is, I just don't play it because none of my friends play Halo anymore. And neither do I, frankly. =P
TNT polo? What is this TNT polo? could you explain this to me? and also, why are u on FH if u dont play halo anymore? just more questions to the answer of life. (which is 42)
I'm trying to make a racing map. Where you have to run to the middle let player two (guy with bomb) out and then he races to the bomb plant and wins.
wow ive never heard of halo tennis but this sounds really awesome on what your thinking of...just remember to interlock! lol