SPEEDBALL FIELD Creators: THE Fuglystick, with help from PsychoMunkey Map: Foundry Gametypes: Use with P8NTBALL for slayer, or P8NTBALL CTF for CTF. Pics: Overview Red Side Blue Side The Snake The row of Bricks Red Starting Area Blue Starting Area The Center bunkers. This is where the flags spawn in P8NTBALL CTF When playing CTF, you have to capture your flag on the other team's side, much like in a real paintball game Description: This map is actually one of the oldest maps on my hard drive. Me and PsychoMunkey wanted to make a map as a sort of tribute to our old paintball days. Well, he still plays, I don't. Well, anyways, when foundry came out, this is one of the first maps we made. It was made just for us when we were playing together with our friends. The other day I was browsing through my maps and I found this again. I figured, "Hey! people could really get into this!" So I started to touch up the map, edit some spawning, timing and such and now we have this. The map plays a lot like a real paintball map whether you're using the slayer or ctf gametype. Its got boxes, beercans, snakes, and two sizes of bricks for bunkers. Weapons- Plasma rifles are near the start.(4 for each team). There are also two "paint grenades"(firebombs) located on the halfway line in the map. These don't spawn often so use them wisely. Gametypes: Slayer= -Plasma pistol starts. Plasma rifles are available on the map near the start. -125% speed(for faster game play) -150% gravity(for more realistic jumping over the bunkers. You can't jump over a beercan thats standing up in real life. Please note that beer can is paintball jargon for the cylinders, in this case, spools) - 10% damage Resistance(Allows for one hit kills.) - 300% damage Modifier. This ensures one hit kills every time, but for some reason, on occasion you will survive one hit if your lucky(simulating a bounce). -kills are one point each. bonus points awarded for beat downs/assasinations. CTF= -Same as the slayer variant for base player traits. -Flag carrier moves at 200% speed, but remains vulnerable. -Flag capture areas are located in the opposing teams base, flags spawn in center of map. -1 point per capture, Best of 5 Rounds. I welcome criticisms, comments etc, so thank you in advance. Have Fun! Download NOTE: The teleporters are placed there in the case that you spawn outside the map. Sender nodes are located on the outside of the wall
Wow this actually sort of reminds me of the last paintball field I went to. This map would be epics if it had a little more aesthetical touches and not just a bunch of movable objects strewn about. 3/5
haha talk about grenade jumping out....lol! otherwise, nice map, and where are the other tellys to the top of your "base"/"side"
Nice idea but it is REALLY EASY to get out. Just block it off more and there you go, a good paintball map 4/5
I know it's a paintball map but it seems like it's just a bunch of cluster and a fence wall with a sheild door, But looks like fun.
How did you get out? If you grenade jumped then ya thats fine and easy but If you play it with the gametypes you shouldn't be able to jump out. As for Aesthetics, I'll try and keep that in mind for my next field and thanks for the input. As for the teleporters, those are there as a backup in the odd case that you spawn outside the map. Sender nodes are on the outside of the wall. The Shield door/fence wall is essentially the dead box/breakout area, but thats just to make it seem a little more like a paintball field although it doesn't act as a dead box. Admittedly, it only really serves as cover. As for why I used movable objects, they are more suited for a paintball bunker than most immovable objects. Boxes, walls, and bridges take up too much room and in paintball a lot of fields are more open than crowded. The sparse cover forces you to play behind the bunkers more readily. Believe me, Psychomunkey plays this like its a real field and he kicks my ass every time. Thanks for the input guys, I'll keep these suggestions in mind when making another map.