For those of you who are unfamiliar with Gamevee or Geevee, they will upload your Halo 3 vids from your fileshare for you and you can access them online. Just go to | Login / Forgot Password and make an account and provide the required information. Also, once uploaded, you can use video download clients such as Video Downloadhelper (firefox extension) to download your vid on to your HD and convert it to standard video formats such as Avi. The only problem with this method is that you will end up with the Gamevee watermark and potentially the video download client's insignia as well. If you have any questions, just PM me. I uploaded my own vid just for fun and it can be seen below. Also, can someone tell be how to embed vids with BBCode? My video
I knew about Gamevee, as I have a couple a videos there myself. But thanks for telling me about the firefox thing. +rep
everyone knows about that ahhaa. there have been looots of posts saying the same thing dude. use the search box
I used Geevee before I got my Capture card, Now I just use that. Capture Cards are the most incredible thing ever! (Well maybe not ever.. But pretty damn close.)
just go to and make sure your film clip is in ur fileshare and then just make an account and submit ur info. Thats all.
GeeVee has been out for awhile now. It just got out of the beta version and open for the public again.
Only downfall with GeeVee is that it could take a day or more to grab your clip, Depending on how many requests are in before yours.. But it's not a bad site if you don't mind waiting a little bit for it.
i use the gamevee grab it is so easy you don't need the downloadhelper it can be done without i would also like to know how to embed from gamevee i don't want to use youtube because they don't offer the grab as for the watermark i think that is more than fair as they grab it for you