I'm starting to get into forge and would try this if I wasn't currently at work, but can you interlock objects whilst they are floating, preferably using the hold, save, quit, enter back method? If there is a way, could anyone post it?
yeah if the other object was save-quitted in midair also and then set not to respawn in another round.....
I have a tip for you though. When interlocking in air I suggest floating and object below and side to make sure the objects interlock smoothly
also, look for a blue dot showing where the other item will spawn, and u can use like cones that were sitting on top of the other object as guidelines, but keep in mind the second they are touched by your object you are placing, or by anything else, they will fall!
respawn points are big and bulky, if you dont want cones that fall, use wep holders....small and good!