Im thinking of making a switch that uses a crate that goes up right down left, and then rotates again and its like a moving central structure, with a sniper sitting at the top waiting to be pickid up at the climax of the crate ________ | _____ | | | | | | |___| | |______| i know sloppy, but then the crate goes in a "circle" and it could make for some cool minigames/aesthetic/competitive maps! any ideas on how to do it?
Hmmm... Maybe use grav lifts to push pallets with the crate sitting on the pallets? IDK, I'm not too good at stuff like that
i dont really understand what you are talking about do you mean like they hit a certain switch and the crate moves in a corrosponding direction?
have gravlifts underneath the floor pushing the pallets on a planned path, and then have the crate sitting on one of the pallets. i dont think anyones ever made a pallet conveyor belt with a turn.. let alone in a circle. but i believe it can be done.
ya, i kno that part, but how to make it run smoothly and constantly, like where to place grav lifts, etc... no pallets guys, only crate, and it goes horizontally and vertically!!!