The full map editor would be for Forge. So I don't get how you think this will end Forge. Quite the opposite, actually.
Yeah. I've seen the video. It just looks like forge for grown-ups. I mean when you think about how much more advanced forge could have been, you start to wonder why they gave us limiting BS like the space given in Foundry. This looks like the way Bungie actually makes maps. I think it is going to revolutionize forge.
,Umm, not to ruin the fun, but I'm thinking that theat's not the actual map, I mean, that would be cool and all, but I don't think thats the actual map- (bungies not that smart) but aside the negativity, the room looked pretty cool
Yeah, I like to view it as a new age of Forgehub. oh, Gumby, not to be harsh but you complaining isn't going to stop the insermountable amounts of these threads that are going to pop up, don't take this comment the wrong way.
if they make a map editor for teh computer and then you can transfer to xbox I will be the happiest man alive.
It could be how Bungie makes the maps. and that section he was standing in was just part of it. Thats how i saw it. A full designer would be cool, but then again... I like playing on the maps that you all make instead of making them myself.
Wow guys, I'm positive he just meant the downfall of foundry, since because of this new map, no one will be using it anymore. Or maybe he thinks the new map is not edited by forge. If not, then wow, just wow.
OMG this is revolutionarey! There will never be a gameas popular as Halo3 if this is evan close to being decent. When Bungie comes out with the Custom map playlist next month (sketch said so) This will help maps be amazing! Thankyou for telling me about this please provide a link to the vid. I searched and saw it.
Hahahaha "Downfall" this maybe a new era in Forging. Give us double boxes and bridges and we come up with amazing maps. Give us hills, foundation, walls, and bridges and we'll make you wanna cry.