Interlocking Objects

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TrueDarkFusion, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Simply start a new round. When you first start up forge for some reason some objects appear that aren't supposed, but when a new round starts everything is fine.
  2. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    All objects regardless of whether or not they are set to spawn at start will appear in the first round of Forge. This is to let people know that this object exists "here".
  3. Admiral_Mubutu

    Admiral_Mubutu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just now you people tell me this?!

    I have to go fix something...
  4. Rusty Keyes

    Rusty Keyes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've already said I restarted the round (and the map, and the game). I find it rude that what I said was quoted but not even fully read by the (second) person who quoted it.

    Nevermind, it's alright. After using the budget glitch having those last three dollars isn't a big issue anymore, but I do still think it is important that this door glitch be known.

    Gorebound: Thank you for your suggestion, it didn't seem to work the first time but now it has and the door has been defeated. Hooray.

    This is interesting though... When I pulled the door away there was some kind of clone where it originally was, even though I had placed no additional doors, which immediately died after I set it back to spawn at the beginning and restarted the round. Trippy.
  5. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Well then your answer is in lag. Sometimes when utilizing an object (say a weapon) if you drop the weapon or something it saves it's spot in forge mode. I don't know why it does this, but it's cuz of lag. To fix your problem, place a crate or something where it is on the map and start a new round. if the object appears on top of it then you know that the object is spawning in the air and dropping down.

    I apologize for miss reading your post.
  6. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When i read your post I assumed it was a noob talking and when you said you started a new round I thought you meant you went to the lobby and started the game again. And AZN is right, maybe it fell from its original spawn.
  7. MkUltraOps

    MkUltraOps Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i dont get what it says and what is the apc hog :'(
  8. chupathingy919

    chupathingy919 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the info, definitely helpful
  9. DoKtuR Q

    DoKtuR Q Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude thanks so much! thats great
  10. Ignore_Me

    Ignore_Me Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The apc hog is the troop hog(turretless warthog)
  11. bornslayer05

    bornslayer05 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think that this is probably the greatest forging discovery since, well since forge hub lol.
  12. F4K13D0UBL3P3G

    F4K13D0UBL3P3G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah this helped me make one of my coolest maps yet. thanks bud.
  13. your dawg 11

    your dawg 11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This will make the ground better for a track thanks.
  14. Viggie Penndar

    Viggie Penndar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol tried the DLC way on Guardian. I was wonering why it didn't work...
  15. Scarab4990

    Scarab4990 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    IT WORKS!!!! now what to make... an infection? no.... Race? no. Race...sest? no. I GOT IT. he he... you guys will have to wait and see... haha...



  16. Kyreo

    Kyreo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have actually discovered a third way to inter lock objects. Its more complicated but it is worth noting. First make a very small space shaped like a bucket or box, then place as much of every equipable item (weapons, grenades, equipment, etc) into the small space. Once you place about 100 or so items in the small space it will get laggy but only when you look directly at the small space. Once it is laggy like this delete the walls or structures that make up the small space. Once you delete everything but the items try to place an immovable object onto the items. If done correctly it should disapear in a cloud of blue mist and it will respawn in the position it was last in. You can place as many objects as you fit in before the first immovable objects respawn, but this way of doing it is not practical and very time consuming I wouldnt recommend using it.
  17. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My suggestion is to edit complex/tedious parts of your map when playing alone. This will eliminate the possibility of lag screwing with your map. I'm all for group map-making, but the finer points of maps should be tinkered with solo.

    Just a suggestion.

    --dumb cat
  18. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    something to note is how incredibly useful weapon holders can be for mapping out where the second item should be to neatly interlock.
    surround the itme with weapon holders(so it can move to the sides ,then where your moving it mark off how far it should go with a final weapon holder,then when you start a new round you can move the object easily with no complication manouvers
  19. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's a very good idea. Let me add to that by giving my tip for how I interlock.

    If you want to be VERY PRECISE (yes, I have OCD when it comes to stuff like this), it can be done using boxes and walls as guides.

    I just realized how many steps there are for this, so I will put together something in ASCII and repost.

    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │

  20. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    7 Easy Steps to Better Interlocking!

    By 'a dumb cat'

    Here is an illustration of how to accurately place an interlocked object. THIS IS FOR PRECISE PLACEMENT. It will make your maps look cleaner and more professional.

    [THIS IS ILLUSTRATED FROM A TOP-DOWN VIEWPOINT, but it can be applied vertically as well]

    Step 1: Place your first object, in this case a double box at the desired location. You will be interlocking another double box with this one, so the first and second boxes are going to be BOX A and BOX B, respectively.
    │(You will be inter- │
    │locking another box │
    │with this one) │
    │ BOX A │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │

    Step 2: Place BOX B next to BOX A, on the side and with the orientation you desire. Also place your guide boxes on the side and back of BOX B.
    │ ││ ││ │
    │ ││ ││ │
    │ ││ ││ guide │
    │ BOX A ││ BOX B ││ box │
    │ ││ ││ │
    │ ││ ││ │
    │ ││ ││ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ guide │
    │ box │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │

    Step 3: Change the attributes of BOX A so it will not spawn at start (180 respawn time as well). Start a new round to have BOX A disappear for the next step.
    ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─┐┌──────────────────────┐┌───────────┐
    (Set to NOT spawn │ ││ │
    │at start) ││ ││ │
    │ ││ guide │
    │ BOX A ││ BOX B ││ box │
    │ ││ │
    │ ││ ││ │
    │ ││ │
    └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─┘└──────────────────────┘└───────────┘
    │ │
    │ │
    │ guide │
    │ box │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │

    Step 4: In the illustation below, BOX B has not been deleted, but simply moved to the side for the moment. Place a WALL adjacent to the guide box, which will act as a measurement of how "deep" into BOX A you will be interlocking BOX B. It sounds complicated, but it is quite simple in concept.
    ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─┐ ┌┐┌───────────┐
    (BOX B has been │││ │
    │ │ moved to the side) │││ │
    │││ guide │
    │ BOX A │ │││ box │
    │││ │
    │ │ WALL│││ │
    │││ │
    └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─┘ └┘└───────────┘
    │ │
    │ │
    │ guide │
    │ box │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │

    Step 5: With BOX A temporarily gone, place BOX B as shown, which is now left of its original position, displaced the width of one wall, to be precise.
    ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┌╤─────────────────────┐┌┐┌───────────┐
    │ ││││ │
    │ ││ ││││ │
    │ ││││ guide │
    │ BOX A ││ BOX B ││││ box │
    │ ││││ │
    │ ││ ││││ │
    │ ││││ │
    └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ └╧─────────────────────┘└┘└───────────┘
    │ │
    │ │
    │ guide │
    │ box │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │

    Step 6: Change the attributes of BOX A back no normal, so it will respawn at the beginning of the round.
    │ ││ ││││ │
    │ ││ ││││ │
    │ ││ ││││ guide │
    │ BOX A ││ BOX B ││││ box │
    │ ││ ││││ │
    │ ││ ││││ │
    │ ││ ││││ │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ guide │
    │ box │
    │ │
    │ │
    │ │

    Step 7: Delete the WALL and guide boxes, and you have a perfectly aligned interlocked object!
    │ ││ │
    │ ││ │
    │ ││ │
    │ BOX A ││ BOX B │
    │ ││ │
    │ ││ │
    │ ││ │



    --a dumb cat

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