The Apocalypse

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by TonkaShockNZ, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. TonkaShockNZ

    TonkaShockNZ Ancient
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    The Apocalypse
    By TonkaShockNZ


    The Apocalypse: Made By TonkaShockNZ
    Map: Foundry
    Gametype: Racetracks
    Communtiy: HaloTracks

    *Starting Gate
    *Acceleration up a steep climb
    *Double Box banked turn
    *180 Banked turn
    *Bridge jump
    *180 Banked turn
    *Uncheatable Vip Checkpoint

    The map starts out in on of the side pockets in foundy with 8 mongooses. After 10 seconds the stairs spawn and you can start, immediately you are propelled up a steep climb with the assistance of mancannons. Once at the top you go down a double box banked turn (that is completely bordered off) heading for the other side pocket of foundy, you then go onto a 180 banked turn, you then take an easy corner round to a bridge jump that is geo-merged for easier transition. You then turn right and up onto another 180 banked turn then through the uncheatable VIP checkpoint and then down a small straight away back to the beginning. This map has great flow and extremely smooth because I interlocked/geo-merged almost everything. This map is also uncheatable and has great bordering to make the track very tidy.


    I Hope You Enjoy It!!
    #1 TonkaShockNZ, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    It looks like you took the thumbnail of your screenshot. Double click the picture you want to upload, then save to desktop. Upload it to Photobucket or an image hosting site and embed on here. PM me with any questions
  3. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Woah... Too small of a picture... I'll be back to see if you added more pictures so I can give a better review.
  4. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i cant tell wat the map looks like, pic too small please embed. thx
  5. TonkaShockNZ

    TonkaShockNZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok I embedded the pictures it should be much clearer now I was too lazy to do it before lol.
  6. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Still tiny. Maybe if you make them larger, your awesome-looknig racetrack would seem awesome to more people. 0.o
  7. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    I'm don't know how to make the pictures bigger, but I'll tell you another rule you need to follow. The title, you need to click on "edit" and then click on "Go advanced", when you have done that, change the title to the maps name ONLY. Don't add anything else except the map name, so I am telling you to take out the "-By TonkaShockNZ" part, once you have done that figure out how to make your pictures bigger. I don't really have the solution to that but I'm sure someone will be able to help you with that.
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For gods sake stop posting. I will give him a guide that should end all of this.
    Here at Forge Hub, a crucial part of map posting is having one embedded pic. To do this, here's a tutorial:

    First, go to to your page. Find the Screenshot Viewer, and double click the screenshot which you choose to upload. When you do this, an option should pop up asking you what you want to do with the file. Your screen should look like this:
    Click Save to Desktop, or wherever you would like to save it to.

    Next, go to a site like Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket to host your image. If you do not have an account, create one. When you have your account made, go to your photo album. There is a blue bar that says "Choose files" that should look like this:
    Click that blue bar, where the red arrow points to(arrow added for dramatic effect). Upload from wherever you saved the file.

    Now, after the file has uploaded, scroll down the page to your picture's thumbnail. There is a list of options, like this:
    Copy the highlighted link, or direct link where the arrow is. And yes, that is Chris Hanson

    Last step is coming back to here, where you enter the final direct link into the code( [ img]link[ /img] ) without the spaces. Hopefully, that helps you out. Any questions, PM me

    To find the rest of the important rules here, click this link.

    You have 24 hours to fix this thread, or it will be locked. No one else post about it not being up to standards, or a mod will be contacted. Thank you.

    Thanks to Norlinsky for the sweet guide.
  9. TonkaShockNZ

    TonkaShockNZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok I edited it now so all the pics are embedded, so now much easier to see. Thanks
  10. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    now the pics are bigger they are really nice and this is a really good race track great job on it

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