thnx but please that post is spam explain what you like. guys im on vacation but when i get back the minigame will be avalible for download so keep your eyes open
You said headshot with out me lol just kiddin. good job. this map looks wel constructed and looks like there plenty of cover. You did a good job iwth interlocking and this map is very smooth. also I noticed the pic in your sig. the ASSASSIN looks a little laggy. When you goo into animation in photoshop just group the pics together and press the intween thing. sorry I just got of youtube trying to do some animation stuff. anyway good job.
looks really boring and sloppy to me and is too open in the middle and gameplay might lack try making some better side structures. 3/5
thank you hockey and now that i explained it to you supas please edit that false statment about me. it is my friends accont and ill tell him to get on right now if you need anymore proof now for camo...dl it and tell me its sloppy and did you read the comments up top?
Pretty good map I think the best part is.....Where it says "The Official Y35" i the credits. A-W-E..S-O-M-E Awesome awesome TOTALLY
Looks kinda fun 3/5, anyway Below ill show you a tutorial on how to get bigger pics. Tutorial: 1.Go on to 2.Go to the profile you took the pictures on. 3.Then go to screenshots on the left, and click on it. 4.Find your screenshots you took and click on the picture part of it (where it shows the small picture). 5.Right click it and click save. 6.Then Go to your image host (Imageshack etc.) and got to my albums on the tool bar on the top. 7.Upload you picture from there (trust me you'll find where to upload it). 8.Then name it and click my albums again. 9.Your Picture will be there if you scroll down a little bit, then cop the direct link below the picture. 10.Finally go to were ever you are going to post it and look for the small square box with two mountains in it, and click it then paste the direct link in the small box that pops up. Your picture will be there. If you have Questions Message me.
I'm sorry but I just refuse to download maps with this much open space. You must think of a structure(s) that can compensate for the lack of anything around there. You seem to have put geomerged double boxes but that just doesn't cut it for me. I know you meant it to be open there and you have quotes from your friend saying that it doesn't but it just seems like a lack of planning to me without some sort of unique structure there. It also looks like you built it fairly quickly. On the plus side it does look fairly unique and I always appreciate new creative maps and not just a stupid MLG arena that looks the same as the rest.
This looks like it could be pretty fun to play with peoples damage resistance set to invulnerable so its only assasinations.
Ya I agree the game play is awesome although their is very little cover, a BR can kill someone in two seconds if they are running through the middle IMO, still this is a very good fun looking map from the pictures, good job 4/5!
All right supas my old x box account was r and c general. my friend added a halo2 and used it for his hub account and our joint YouTube account which he flakes out on and gave the ytube account to me. there r u happy.
i really like this map it could play really well on infection i think and it is made really well good job