IF YOU DOWNLOADED BEFORE READING THIS YOU DOWNLOADED THE WRONG VERSION I HAVE REPLACED THE LINK THOUGH SO IT IS FIXED. Sorry for the inconvinience. LG Speeday is a very smooth flowing double wide racetrack. With loads of features (that I wil list below). It also is a longer one, since you guys though we should make a longer one = ). Features Double wide Very long Every piece interlocked (except to the first few bridges) Smooth to perfection 6 banked corners 1 jump 1 uphill 1 downhill Anti-Cheat (with RACETRACKS gametype, 200% Gravity, and 50% speed) Anti-Cheat starting gate 3 levels Inverted Straightaway Cheaters (after they're failed attempt) will be off a mongoose for at least 1 minute before they can get back on the track. Pictures Partial overview. Beginning of racetrack, the rest of the pictures will follow in order of the racetrack. Path to get back up if you happen to fall off. Download Link Download LG Speedway Here
This race map doesn't look too EXCITING but the aesthetics sure have that WOW factor. I love the turn made out of walls. It looks so huge and well made. 4.5/5 Great race map
He wants your brain! Ok... Wow Serious, serious, serious turns there... Simply amazing, great interlocking, great map... I don't know what to say... You know what I'm downloading this I have never seen this in my life...
Very Smooth and very well build. Love the Interlocking and the longness. I hate short tracks. Great job.A+ or 5/5
Very, very nice! The amount of time put into this obviously shows, as the interlocking featured here is superb. Good thing the track is wide, because it is one of the faster tracks I've downloaded. The only knock I have is the lack of walls in some parts, but you can't really be blamed for that due to the item restrictions. All in all a great racetrack.
wow that was pretty awesome i dont see much for improvement. You are the racetrack forgegod!!!! *bows down*
woah im having a forgasm looking at this map. great interlocking. great layout and nice idea with the merged gooses nice touch
One word, Amazing. I love the wideness, as I always fall off the thin ones, exellent begginer track. Great interlocking. 4/5
This i just beautiful map that obvisously took some time to create. I will happily download and try in teh morning.
It looks better than it plays. The merging is great, but its somewhat 'primitive' for track layout. The spawns are all horrible, mainly because they dont work because your too high up. The shield doors spawn early and the starting gate comes after they spawn, so your stuck. The track is highly reliant on shield doors and is short and not very entertaining. 3/5
I'm DLing in the hope that this guy is wrong, it looks amazing to me. You racetrack guys sure are getting good at what you do, keep it up!
He is, he makes racetracks too and does his best to shoot down others work so his will get more "publicity" if you must. He's been doing it ever since I started publishing my maps here.
When you said smooth, you meant it! This is by far the smoothest race track I have yet beheld. Excellent job!
this map is truly boss. this looks like one of the most fun race tracks i have seen in a while good job
its okay it looks a bit short for a race map also is there laps cause this needs tho have laps, but it is very well made good job on the forging part