The Essential Battle for Helm's Deep

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ProtoFury, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Map Title: Helm's Deep
    Relive the Battle for Helm's Deep!

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    This is the best representation of Helm's Deep that can be found, this map comes with all the things you loved about the big battle at the end of The Two Towers. A big outer wall, complete with two levels and a breachable gutter, small village inside, housing your Mongooses in their "stables," and the inner citadel area, also with two levels and two defendable entrances. This map also corresponds almost exactly to the original Battle for Helm's Deep, each team starts off with a swords cache (obviously corresponding to the swords in LOTR), Helm's Deep's defenders have a slew of Battle Rifles along the top of the wall (the Elves' bows and arrows), 'Isengard' has access to some snipers (the more accurate crossbows of the Uruk-Hai), and the Mongooses inside the fortress can be used in a charge similar to the final charge at the end of the battle, and Isengard also has access to a Rocket Launcher that can be used to breach the gutter, similar to the explosives used to blow up the Deeping Wall. A few extras have been added as well: Assault Rifles and Shotguns have nothing to do with the original battle, but add to the playablity of the map, and the Mongooses that spawn in at the Isengard side of the map don't correspond to anything either, however they allow Isengard to launch mobile assault at Helm's Deep without getting owned in the process. After all, we don't have an huge army of 10,000 Uruks, we're talking about eight guys here!

    Anyways, this map is set up as a Territories map, with seven territories to grab: 1-The easiest of them all, a territory on the outside of the gutter, hopefully ensuring at least one score per round for Isengard. Territory 2 lies at the Main Gate into Helm's Deep; unfortunately there was no possibility of creating gates that would open and close at will, so the Gates are always open. It's not just a free shot into the base, however; it is easily guarded. Territory 3 is on the opposite end of the wall, some good Mongoose driving can get you there in no time, but watch out for counter-attacks! Territory 4 lies in the heart of the village, but with a limited amount of cover, use the nearby buildings to your advantage or suffer the consequences. Territory 5 lies on the bottom level, near the Main Gate, and is one of the more difficult Territories to grab due to its total vulnerability to attack from the lwo levels above. Distractions are well warrented when capturing this territory. Number 6 lies in the main story of the Citadel, guarded by wall on all sides, save the main and side entrances, and also sits outside an open hallway for when thinmgs get rough. Lastly, Territory 7 lies on the second level of the Citadel, and cannot be reached by merely walking or jumping up to it. Use this to your advantage, brethren.

    Aoll in all, this makes for a fun map to play with large or small teams, but with smaller parties make sure teams are even or that skill is evenly distributed, otherwise you'll end up in a game of total domination : ) Have fun with this map, and there are more LOTR remakes one the way!


    A view of the Main Gate from Isengard Base 2.

    A view of the Deeping Wall showing the gutter, from Isengard Base 1.

    A view of the Hornburg, the main citadel of Helm's Deep.

    A view of the Inside of Helm's Deep. The town is visible at the bottom left, as well as the stairs to the different levels at the right and the gutter out in the middle of the wall.

    EDIT: Sorry, the images wouldn't post properly but this is the best I could do. Also, I just re-created my File Share, so if you check and there are no downloads, that's the reason. Not many people download a map in 30 minutes.
  2. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Make your screenshots larger to make it easier for the community to see. Sounds fun, good description too. My only complaint would be a lack of scenery, I only can see walls, crates, stairs, bridges, and barriers. Nice concept though.
  3. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Yeah, thanks. I didn't bother putting much scenery in because when I originally did, it got in the way of gameplay. When you get 16 guys in there nobody was really looking at the map for long, though. I have given some serious thought about going in and adding some cover in the Isengard portion of the map, however. Not much but some, that would be like rocks or natural cover on the battlefield.

    BTW I couldn't get my screenshots to do more than that little link thing... How would one go about doing something like that? The most amount of my experience with image hosters goes back to PhotoBucket lol.

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