yes i feel forge hub in the time of rep whoring took a turn for the worst, people felt as if they weren't as good as people with bars and bars of rep, i feel there should be only one bar so that people wouldn't want to/care about how much rep they have, as long as their green. I'm interested to see everyone's thoughts and i agree with most of you, Rep is a good idea, i know what you're thinking how can i say that well besides the warned and banned status it could show you if the user has been good with the community and with her/her posts or well... not so good. maybe spending time away from having rep maybe it could make people see that its not as important as people feel. good rant i just hope some people see this and wake up because at the moment they are stuck in a world were rep is the most important thing. Making so that people need more than 20 posts and rep power is a great idea it causes less people to create accounts to rep themselves, which is a waste of time and is just sad. Sometimes i feel you should rase the bar to 50 or 75?
i've considered that option. i think its a little more fun than corrupt. and really its not that important to me. i mean my rep. rep in general matters to me, which is why i wrote this. but for mine i'm at a level where i'm interested, but not that concerned. it doesn't matter to me so little that i'd write about it in my sig or so little that i'll disable it, but i'm not obsessed. if the system gets any more corrupt, i most likely will disable. yeah i agree with most of what you say here. i think if we did change to my idea, there would be rep hoarding. i agree that the system works pretty well, but the more helpful/popular members have very exaggerated rep. lol nice 500th. i agree with a lot of what you said in there. i think constructive criticism should be awarded, especially since it's what I look for rather than positive feedback on my maps. I agree with a lot of that. you bring some good points. maybe only one bar would help, but really its to easily distinguish what you said in your second paragraph, so its kinda contridictary.
Rep should only be a measurement on how good you forge maps, because isn't that what it was intended for?
This is just a suggestion: you could make it that on each post there is a poll that people vote if you're post was helpful or unneeded and if its above 75% you get one rep point, if its in between 75 - 25% nothing and if its below 25% you get a negative rep point that way even if you have plus rep it is unstable meaning you have to make sure that you're posts are helpful. ps: Im not taking the piss but i gave you good rep for speaking out against rep whores, please do not flame me i have kids.
You just made me lol. See theres an example of something you might rep. Something exceptionally hilarious. As for your idea, a poll on every post wouldn't do that well, I think. I think it take up a lot of space, and since only like less than 10% of posts are repped, in many situations it'd be unnecessary.
Thank you but for my idea i don't mean a huge poll just a green thumb pointing up and a red thumb pointing down and only the user that posted the comment can view who has voted and for what reasons. Do you want a hug? *Activates flame sheild*
That whole currency system is used in another vB forums I go to, and it's very hard to obtain unless you bend over backwards for it. In effect, it's basically another way for higher up members to be elitist towards the lower members.
I dunno tbh, it seems to differ from person to person. Since the rep whoring thing came to a head and infractions started being given, I've received rep much more seldom than before. But others seem to be still getting it real fast, and the top of the rep board does kinda read like a popularity contest in parts (some people who are there do deserve it). It does seem a little weird, and its not the perfect situation, but I think the ability to disable rep really has solved the major problem for me. Since the rep system had no real impact outside of itself apart from people judging you based on a red bar, being able to turn it off takes away its potency. The rep system can truly be ignored now if you don't like it, and whilst its not perfect, I think this is the best we can hope for in an internet community.
I think thats how it should be, but noobs have the right to rep people the second the sign up. They could be there just to mess it up. Maybe one of these days I will have to bars of rep lol
As DtL has said, rep is a system to measure and demonstrate behavior and forum conduct, not forging quality. If you like a persons map, give them positive feedback, or rate the thread. Rep is a measure of character, maturity and helpfelness, and shouldn't be thrown about for good maps or being funny. One thing you might consider is that a very well put together map OP might be deserving of rep, if its got lots of good, demonstrative pics and good descriptions (with helpful stuff like weapon lists etc). This, whilst repping a map post, is still reflective of forum conduct as an accessible map thread is helpful to those browsing the forums.
lmfao Murdock..four bars now? Can't say I didn't see that coming Disabling rep IMO doesn't really solve anything. Sure more some respected members like titmar have it disabled, and disable your rep when it's slightly higher than most peoples shows guts. But the disabling rep thing doesn't really have a positive effect unless a lot of the higher up members and mods were to do it. If the average people were to go around blacking out their rep, while the already more respected retain their 3-6 bars, and further separates the two types of members. In order for disabling rep to actually have a real effect, members with 3+ bars and mods and stuff would have to throw it down. Now this isn't saying I think they should. Personally, if your reps green, than I respect you. I mean, sometimes there are red blocked people with good posts, you know that hey, maybe they didn't get all to much rep, have a couple negatives for some bad posts. The only thing that truly bothers me is when someone has like 75-100 posts, and reps you for a guide, a good post, helping them with testing..and all you get is a grey block from them because they weren't repped for doing anything. Yes the certain post limit is necessary, or new account rep whoring would be a problem, but being apart of the testers guild, I get grey rep fairly often for doing tests with people.
oh crap, i just repped you for no reason, dont yell at me. ignore it. i now realize what to do with this whole repping thing, my over repping days are over, i will not ask for it, beg for it, or rep others for it, this post was a great help to me to understand the ways of forgehub (and how to not get an infraction) see ya around.
Like you said, rep is just another way to stereotype members. We already tried that with post count, and it was exploited (spam). This is being exploited as well. The only solution is to disable rep, and judge people on their helpfulness and the quality of their posts. I'm part of the solution! Finally, I think that Rep will be the legacy of Forge Hub. Far in the future, long after Halo 5 has come out, people will still be complaining about Rep.
I'm going to ask you all...Do you want this locked? Don't post your opinion here...If you want it locked, just post me a visitor message. 5 total requests will = lock. As for my opinion. I say locked... So...Wait...That means 4.