Are you striving to get your level up? This is a group for players that want to improve their Ranked MM level with a group of similar players or just get better. The only requirement is that you have a mic and an Xbox Live Account. You can join if you are if you are interested in getting your level up. I am Aware that there is a social group but it does have a lot of members and maybe this will work just as good if not better. I may try to recruit some of them. For GMT Help Go Here In this group you can sign up to be a Member and/or a Host. Host would be the person who hosts a(there will be more than one host) party. I am looking for some people to volunteer to be hosts of parties of different playlists that are ranked. So to straighten this out all hosts just contact me with what you want to host. Members: N/A Hosts: HomieG54~Playlist: N/A Member Sign-Up Form FH Username: XBL Gamertag: Mic: Yes/no Matchmaking Level: Communication: Playlist: Skill In The Above Playlist: Timezone: Please Report In GMT E.g: EST=GMT-5, CST=GMT-6, MST=GMT-7 and PST=GMT-8. Days Available: Dates That You Can Play On. Time Able To Play Non-stop: Ex: I Can play from 6:30 -9:30 without stopping. Host Sign-Up Form FH USername: XBL Gamertag: Mic:Yes/no Matchmaking Level: Playlist: Skill In The Above Playlist: Communication: Timezone: Please report In GMT E.g: EST=GMT-5, CST=GMT-6, MST=GMT-7 and PST=GMT-8. Days Available: Day Time Able To Play Non-stop: Ex:I Can play from 6:30-9:30 without stopping. Code: Example Form: [B][U][COLOR=red]FH USername:[/COLOR][/U][/B][COLOR=red][COLOR=Black]HomieG54[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR=red]XBL Gamertag:[/COLOR][/U][/B][COLOR=red] [COLOR=Black]HomieG54[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR=red]Mic:[/COLOR][/U][COLOR=red]Yes/no~ [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=red][COLOR=Black]Yes[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Red] Matchmaking Level: [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]Highest: 16[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Red]Playlist: [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]Team Slayer[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Red]Skill In The Above Playlist: [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]14[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR=red]Communication:[/COLOR][/U][/B][COLOR=red] [COLOR=Black]Very Good[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR=red]Timezone:[/COLOR][/U][/B][COLOR=red] [COLOR=Black]GMT -5 (EST)[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR=red]Days Available:[/COLOR][/U][/B][COLOR=red] [COLOR=Black]Everday[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR=red]Time Able To Play Non-stop:[/COLOR][/U][/B][COLOR=red][COLOR=Black] 11:00 Am-Till whenever. [/COLOR][/COLOR] If you need to contact me feel free too. Hopefully this will work out. Sincerely, HomieG54
Member Sign-Up Form FH Username: Wingsofhalo XBL Gamertag: Flame Gun Mic: Yes Matchmaking Level: Colonel, Grade 1 Communication: ????? Playlist: Team Objective Skill In The Above Playlist: 22?
Someone hosts a game with the playlist you prefer. Also with the closest level to you so you can get your level up. And Wingsofhalo I'll send you a FR tomorrow so we can play objective if you're open.