1. Crooked Dumpster lines 2. Miss allinened bridge place ment 3. Teleporters look real bad 4. Fence walls are crooked and jaggedy. 5. The maps breakable. Most of these issues could be fixed will some forge 101 tecniques and if done correectly would make the map look better and play better.
This map is MUCH improved from V1. It looks infinitely neater, and you redid the anti-spawn-kill wall, and overall it is much nicer. The tunnels look especially improved. Good work, 4/5.
I really like the building it looks like it is very hard to get in, though their are many power weapons and the anti-spawn thing is kind of useless because people can just look at the shield door and shoot whoever comes out of it. But this is a very nice map anyway, I give it a 5/5!
i played v1 and it was vey fun, nice interlocking and anti spawn kill. but i think you should put more places to maybe go other then the tunnels and a main building you should maybe add a little other buildings outside the map or make the graveyard a lot bigger and add little buildings on side of the graveyard like maybe a tomb that leads down to a grave which leads to the tunnels or maybe a tool shack for shovels and stuff but thats my opinion. 4/5
Awesome map very well made and it looks really good except I dont like how there are teleporters everywhere its confusing o_0 other than that its fun to play on and is a pretty cool map
This map looks Sloppy, REAL Sloppy, Thats what I mean,Floor is'nt interlocked, Bridges are'nt Straight, and a few unimportant things. 3.50/5