i think there was like a series on youtube, to catch a map theif i think. Its like a build up of exposing map theives
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/15297-1v1.html was stolen by this kid GT: W4RCRAFT Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
That's not very nice now linubidix, just cause ur friend's with yuross doesnt mean u have to act like him now... Gravedigger, i thought this was all resolved with i being the victor??? If the admin are planning to 'blacklist' me or anything, you may want to see the argument... All the info is summed up at the end of page 4, were gravedigger finally gave in... Linubidix...Jayclash was on my friends list for 3 days, i removed him because i played with him in one game and never did again, i had 100 ppl adn a fridn at school got a new box, so i removed jayclash and added him... Gamertag= Superironic (friend)...talk to him if u dont believe... If theres anyone to blacklist, its gravedigger, i dont even care about his stealing ways anymore, as i have nto created a new map since the legendary map pack first week of release...but its best to keep the community safe by blacklisting these people
That was months ago. I'm different to how I was then. I guess I was mainly going off of what Jay and Ross said.
ok that trickmyster has had alot of maps stolen from him do you think he steals them and blames other people? thats what i think
lolololololol, this isn't a place to gossip possible rumors...You want to do that, go to the local beauty parlor.
o great I knew I couldn't keep doing it, I knew someone would eventually catch on! Theres only one option left, and shes right here in my hand *blows head off* In all seriousness did you actually read what you wrote because it easily is the stupidest thing ever posted on here. The dates on my maps are always before the dates of the stolen ones, so sorry to dissapoint.
May i defend my self and ask...... arnt stolen maps when you dont do any hard work on it at all and just change name/description?er when you see a map and it looks exactly like the other map this isnt stolen i worked on it myself and the back base resembles slightly its pretty stupid and for anyone who reads and disagrees please have a look at the other maps that have been stolen and look at mine...... ridiculous. map made from scratch.
I agree with Camo here. They don't look too alike. In fact, it would have been very troublesome if he did actually copy it, considering these two reference photos. Lockdown. Backdraft. I'll post a full forensics analysis maybe later, but I don't think he stole it.
I'm talking to Insane about this... as far as I can tell it isn't stolen... and by god if you did steal this... I'm going to be pissed for saving you... BTW I think you didn't steal it..I'm going to DL both and do a forge threw soon...
What should i do if someone that is not registered on forgehub stole a map and admitted it to only me but there is no proof... edit: A person that goes by the name of Sn1p3r K1llx on xbox live stole "his" map Miners from a random person he played with on matchmaking.....he has said it to me in person(not over xbox live)if more proof is needed i can record him and post the audio with the lens blocked and post it on here
Just say the guy's name, and it'll be added here so we know to blacklist him here. And wait, he said he stole that guy's map? I'm not sure if anyone's that stupid.
I did post his name in the edit -Sn1p3r K1llx- all he did was place 2 more splazers and made the gametype