The real MLG Flare 3.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by HezbollaHector, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Here is the download : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    Hey guys i realize that the 3.0 was uploaded but deathfromabove was removed from the map team and while i was on vacation he uploaded 3.0 and changed it to say it was by him. If you want proof just ask a pmp nmd slkbk. He helped with the geomerging in the mid and the signs in the base in 3.0. Thanks pmp!

    MLG Flare is a map that is symmetrical and was originally intended to be a clan only map since my clan needed one to practice teamwork and long range BRing. The map was designed to look very unique and to be nice and clean. Controlling the sniper is a must since it can dominate from above. The gameplay on this map makes assists just as important as kills since without a good team who know how to work together youre guaranteed to lose.

    Techniques used:
    Respawn areas (not really a technique but i worked hard on them)

    Weapons include:
    8+ BRs
    1 Sniper
    1 Mauler
    4+ Plasmas

    Recommended gametypes:
    MLG TS
    MLG CTF Ons
    MLG Pit KOTH


    Now for the pics, because i know you guys dont want to do a bunch of reading :p

    This is the best overview you could get. As you can see the bases are rather large but i have edited the map to make it so you cant get to the flag too quickly in CTF.

    This is a view from the flag return point in the a base to the front of the b base. The signs were added in this version (by pmp) so that it was more difficult to spawn kill. The signs also offer a shortcut since you can jump on them this jump onto the bridge in the middle which holds the sniper spawn. If you rush sniper in the beginning youre guaranteed a couple of kills at least in the first couple of minutes making it a highly contested area.

    The geomerged box in the middle is where the mauler spawns. It is very good for protecting your base in ctf. But there is a great chance that if you rush for it you will die. You have to pick the right time to go for it or have a good team to cover you. Also you can see the clean interlocking in the fronts of the bases.

    The bases insides have been overhauled since 2.0 now. The stairs were removed since they cluttered up the bases in KOTH. The bridge was added since it was a simple, small, and effective item to get up to the upper parts of the bases. The dumpsters provide cover when playing hill.

    This is a view from the pillars. Not much to say about it but you can see the open double box where 2 plasma grenades spawn. you can also see the ramps leading to the top bridge.

    This path is heavily trafficked in CTF games since it provides some cover from the open box. Yes i know the open box isnt completely straight but i retried geomerging it and just cant get it straight.

    This is a view of the pillars. They were added both as cover and to be an intense hill spot. The dumpster provides some good cover while also making the map feel more filled in.

    I hope you guys like it! it took over 25 hours to make
    Credit goes to:
    RxI Hysteria (me but i just changed my live name)
    Resistance2All (only helped with versions 1 and 2 then claimed he made version 3)
    Salot for the wall, the back base boxes, and the crane
    And last but not least a pmp nmd slkbk (helped with v3)

    To tryout for my clan message me. You must be a 40 or higher preferably above 45 and you must have great teamwork. My clan is called Wreckless Intent our clantag is RxI. We are currently looking for 2 more members in a gamebattles team!

    And again heres another download : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
  2. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this is a really nice MLG map it looks like it would be good for team slayer and CTf really well done on it
  3. Budgetgravy

    Budgetgravy Ancient
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    Looks very fun! Ill download. There is no messy problems with it and it really sets a standard for mlg maps. 5/5 love it! There is enough cover for all you complainers.
  4. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    I love aesthetically pleasing maps ,and most MLG maps aren't. Great job 3/5
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a very well done mlg map, the interlocking is very clean, just try not to make the bases so close on your next map good job 5/5
  6. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah i know but i removed some things that made it so you cant get from base to base as quickly in ctf.
    thanks for the great comments everyone! and yes im making another map, its gonna be like ons but itll have 3 stories in each base. im currently looking for a forging partner so message me if you want to forge with me. you must be good at interlocking and have at least simple geomerging skills.

    oh and when you download it please rate it 5 stars on bungie since i got kids giving me 1 star on my entire fileshare :(
  7. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    the map has really good interlocking and the gameplay looks pretty good but it could have been done better
  8. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Ooooo..... Wow I lke the shape of the bases. The map looks great for MLG type of games, but the bases look like they are too close.
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Why don't you tell him how it can be better. It would help him more.

    The map seems nice. The bases are a bit close together for an MLG map though which is fine for slayer but not as much for CTF but you said you had it fixed for it so good for you. Top middle seems a bit powerful, as someone can stay in the open single boxes and it might be tough to get them out especially because they are at a higher elevation.

    I realize that you kicked the one guy out of your group/clan but If he helped with the map at all you have to give him credit, but i'm not sure if he did.
  10. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this is a great MLG map. I have never seen one quite like it. I love how the bases look and your geomerging is imaculate. I am going to DL and check this one out :)

    Good Job on a very nice map.
  11. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    i saw your other thread complaining about this kid stealing your map. i hope he was banned. i still love this map. its B E A utiful. nice job.
  12. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    This map looks great im gonna DL and check it out I love MLG and this looks better than Amp and Onslaught combined.. I cant wait to play on this .. Thanks and good luck making maps.
  13. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Looks geat. I love the forging techniques and how well its made.I'm not a big MLG fan so I'm not going to download. Only, because I'll probably never play it. It looks hella sweet though, I love the center and the bases look fantastic. I hope you make other (non-MLG) maps though. I think it stands apart from the other MLG maps which almost or try to look identically like Onslaught.

    Very nice MLG map though.


    I hope it gets featured...
  14. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    all you have to do is chuck a few well placed nades in the boxes, i have a counter for everything on this map. dont worry about balance thats taken care of. and ctf is what this map is great for. it played awesome even before the bases were fixed

    i gave him credit at the bottom of the post for v1 and v2
  15. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i kept yelling at him and messaging him and eventually he joined a game that a friend of his was in who i had just told about the map being stolen and we all started **** with him so now its off his fileshare!
    #15 HezbollaHector, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  16. nickseeknconker

    nickseeknconker Ancient

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    wow this looks extrodonary ganna dl this deff.
  17. Wingsofhalo

    Wingsofhalo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow really really nice, its not an original design. But it has more than what most MLG maps look like, good job! 4/5
  18. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
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    i really like this map its one of my favorite MLG maps and i was glad to help make it
  19. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    This map is great most definately a 5/5 I love how you had the bases too and the signs were at the perfect angles. Check out my maps Fade Out Warsaw MLG Royalty Also my friend thought this map was the best hes ever seen and i cant blame him im deffinately giving you good feedback. .. perfect for MLG also.
  20. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    how in the world is in not original? yeah its 2 base but the majority of mlg are but whats original are the bases themselves and the layout. i have no idea what youre smoking haha

    thanks pimp. we should work together again

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