Original Map Here This is my second version of the map that i made with many changes -now a little bigger with 8 zombie chutes instead of 6 -pistols in the middle in case u want to switch infinite ammo off for a twist -interlocking to make it more smooth since the original had none -more starting points so 16 can play w/ none outside the map -and a more square map instead of the rectangle original Onto some pics -Here is the human spawn (can spawn up to 15 humans) They still start off with pistols, unlimited ammo, and one shot kills but it can be changed if u want... this is what i've found to work best -Here is a pic of the humans scrambling to find safety (usually corners) -Here is a pic of the zombie start. They chute down these tubes into the pit. The pallets are only there in the beginning and dont respawn -Here is a pic of the zombies shooting out of the chute -Here is a pic of the two alpha zombies getting a good start -Its good to be alert at all times -Last man Standing. There is a shotgun in the middle he can pick up Other Notes: The gametype is the same w/ two alpha zombies. They shoot down into the pit through chutes. They and the other zombies are really fast but get killed in one hit. The humans still only have a pistol and cant go anywhere other then stay i the pit. They must use teamwork to fight off the zombies when a lot attack at once. When playing this map u can make your own changes, such as active camo for the zombies or snipers only for humans, to make it more intense. And it can have any ammount of people but a good amount is probably 10-12. Let me know what u think and dl it even if u have to delete another map on your hard drive like i always do. Gametype: Sacrifice Map: Sacrifice Pit V2
so basically it is an arena battle ...with an awesome idea i like the design...it reminds me of starwars
I remember V.1 I wrote a Spartan thing... This is much better then your previous one... it has interlocking which is really going to help your download count, and you put a lot more effort...the map looks really good...
lol i have that problem sometimes too but send me a friend request and i'll get games with many people that u can join my GT is DeathsVengeance
I have seen alot of zombie pit styled games I think you could have put cover for the humans to use in the pit and added something that sepparates yours from other look alikes.
cover would be worse for the humans because u need to be able to move and shoot them before they get to u without anything in the way and its easy when your playing to tell which are on your team: zombies all black now w/ swords and humans have pistols with other colors
This map is much better than the V1. The map looks better with the interlocking, and the added chutes help alleviate the problem of camping in the corners. I still wish you had made the pallets respawn, but oh well. 4/5, good work.
lol yeah i was really thinking of that but i figured that it gets really hard sometimes for the infected if they arent that good and that'd just make it harder for them but if u want to go into forge and change that its up to u